BowAsWell for Shy People 2nd Anniversary
Shy People Mix12.30 2021

记得第一次听到《Neon Donuts》这张专辑就惊到了,有中国人玩放克/骚灵味道的 Chillwave 风格哎!所以认识创作者 BowAsWell 之后,我们就怂恿这位音乐人抛开乐队去做 DJ 试试。
在12月18日害羞的人两周年派对上,他的 DJ 首秀不仅展示了短期内刻苦练习 DJ 技术的成果,还惊喜地扔出了许多他自己喜欢的,偏舞曲方向的好音乐!很快乐又很拥挤的晚上,我们现在还想再感受一次!
可惜那晚忘记录音了,所以赶紧让 BowAsWell 在家用同样的歌重新捣弄一次 mix set。欢迎聆听我们本年度的最后一个在线音乐节目!😝
“重混了在 Shy People 两周年派对上的 DJ Set,选取了一些我喜欢的,临界于真实乐器演奏与合成器的4/4拍音乐。情绪有暖又冷,有明有暗,或者想象成一片汇聚两种颜色的海域。” — BowAsWell
01 D.k. - Safety Games
02 The Mauskovic Dance Band - Space Drum Machine (Detroit Swindle's Flute Mix)
03 Okvsho - Joga Bonito
04 Okvsho - Orange Wine
05 L’éclair - Clubless
06 Tour-Maubourg - Diffraction Rythmique
07 Surprise Chef - New Ferrari (Harvey Sutherland's Weird Flex - 12" Mix)
08 Surprise Chef - Crayfish Caper (Masters at Work Mix)
09 Marc Brauner - Old School
10 Sweely - Stronger Than Me
11 Gavinco - Savoy
Ark Work by 10000 Based on Cover of Neon Donuts.

BowAsWell 是现居北京的音乐制作人/独立唱作人张一弛的个人项目,2020年发行首张全长专辑《Neon Donuts》,风格融合了 Soul、Groove、Chill-wave、Indie 等元素。这个12月我们邀请小张弟弟担任百会电台的节目主持,他带来了自己的第一个 DJ Mix。12月18日的 Shy People 两周年派对上他又献上了人生首个 DJ 现场。
Let’s introduce a young talented musician BowAsWell whom released debut album Neon Donuts last year. It’s rare that he plays Chillwave/Soul music in China. And we presented his first DJ Mix Set on this December.
BowAsWell brought his very first DJ show in Shy People 2nd Anniversary Party, 18th Dec.. Now you are listening the at-home-remake version of his debut DJ gig (Sorry for that we forgot to record it in that big fun night) ;-P