Classical Queer Folk — Cover Story of untitled folder 5
11.25 2020

In another cover story of untitled folder 5, founder and fashion stylist Edge Yang’s editorial is photographed against the backdrop of a classical theatre stage where queer folk have long been underrepresented, mixing two seemingly contradictory narratives: blurred facial features and personality cults.
第五期《untitled folder》的另一个封面故事“古典酷儿角色”。杂志创始人兼时装造型师 Edge Yang 以鲜有酷儿身影出现的古典舞台戏剧为背景,刻意混合两种看似矛盾的叙述:模糊个人特征的同时,若有若无地赋予图像“个人崇拜”的复杂叙事。

Photographer: Unclenine
Stylist: Edge Yang
Hair stylist: Nate Peng
Producer: Allen Chen, Daicy Cao
All piece from ORAL UTOPIA exclusively made for Untitled Folder
Stylist: Edge Yang
Hair stylist: Nate Peng
Producer: Allen Chen, Daicy Cao
All piece from ORAL UTOPIA exclusively made for Untitled Folder