合作社 — 纪录片《拜访者》的即兴配乐现场
Impromptu Performance for the Documentary Film Visitors by HeZuoShe
Shy People Mix02.17 2022

Shy People 虎年第一桩开心的事情,是很荣幸地邀约上中国大师级乐队“合作社”。这支目前只存在于现场的声音智囊团,释出了他们去年9月18日在阿那亚 DDC 的现场演出录音 —— 给无对白纪录片《Visitors(拜访者)》所做的即兴配乐。
“这个现场是以即兴为主,张荐之前做了一些底,然后我们就是看着片子的情绪重新填的音乐,也没有事先特别安排。” —— 文智涌
Shy People invited the "Co-op", a sound think tank HeZuoShe that only exists on site, to release the recording of their impromptu soundtrack performance for the non-dialogue documentary film "Visitors" at DDC in Aranya last September 18th. The cooperative members are Zhang Jian (FM3, Indefinite), Wen Zhiyong (Indefinite) and Shan Xiaofan (No. 43 Baojia Street). They claim that this is a form of cooperative organization established by people's musicians voluntarily uniting for cooperative production and cooperative operation. The original soundtrack of the documentary film was Philip Glass, but this daring improvisation was not specially arranged in advance, and was only refilled with the emotion of live viewing.
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