Mau Mau — Breakfast Mix
Shy People Mix01.13 2022

每个地下跳舞俱乐部的老板几乎都会 DJ,老外也不例外。白兔的瑞典人 Thomas,The Shelter / ALL 的英国人 Gaz,电梯的美国人 Mau Mau……
和 Mau Mau 真是不打不相识。多年前在上海新乐路的老 Elevator 俱乐部的第一次见面并不算愉快。倒是因为如此,那么久远的记忆竟然没有忘记。借着由他主理的派对系列“早餐俱乐部”在这周六举办之际,想起要找他给 Shy People 做一个 set。
“这个 set 是一个浓缩版的闭场仪式,在试图不分散舞池注意力的情况下将能量逐渐调低,在愉悦复杂,甚至有些冥想的心绪之间起伏。过去的十年里,我很幸运和一些真正昼伏夜出的大师们一起跳舞,希望有一天我也能领会其中的玄妙。每次听到一个人的音乐能把整个房间赋予一种全新且陌生的空间感的时候,我都会对这种微妙的探索和表达方式感到吃惊。也希望你们会喜欢这个 set。”
"I grew up in a small town near the ocean, and in summer whenever the waves were big would go bodysurfing. 20 years later, I'm at a rave on an island in Hong Kong. After two consecutive days dancing, I had a flashback - of being tumbled around by the waves in Maine, slicing through the water towards shore, out of control but moving and enjoying it."
"It's a feeling I've been chasing on dancefloors since then, and hope to share with others. Breakfast Club's mission is to create conditions for more clubgoers to find that late-night freedom."
"This mix is a condensed version of a closing set, trying to do the difficult job of bringing energy down without losing dancers' attention, modulating between euphoria, mixed emotions and meditative calm. Over the last ten years I've been lucky to play with some real masters of that late-night voodoo, and hope could be one someday too. It still blows me away every time I hear someone take a room gradually to a place that is strange and spacious, with room to explore and express in subtle ways. Hope you enjoy it."

上海 Elevator 俱乐部联合创始人,Medusa 和 Breakfast Club 的主办方,白酒机器人,色盲,球拍运动爱好者,业余佛教徒,专业的煎饼食家。Mau Mau 的左脚脚趾以一种奇怪的方式弯曲, 但这无法阻止他为充满迷幻的 Techno,Soulful House 和介乎两者之间的一切尽情舞蹈,也无法阻止他尝试让你一同加入的意图。
Elevator co-founder. Medusa when he's sunshine and sass, Breakfast Club when he's floating and strange. Jianbing obsessive, ping pong egotist, often stuck in books.
The toes on Mau Mau's left foot are bent in strange shapes, but that doesn't stop him from dancing to soulful House, psychedelic Techno and everything in between - or from trying to get you to join in.
Art Work by Gouda

Breakfast Club
feat. Cocoonics & Chouchou
01.15 @ Elevator
早餐俱乐部是一种新的特殊香料,刺激您的舌头、大脑和双脚。它的使命,是和正在给国内俱乐部场景注入养分的 DJ 们一起吃早餐。任何一位能坚持跳到最后的朋友都可以获赠一份由俱乐部准备的免费早餐。派对视觉由我们曾报道过的狗达操持。
Breakfast Club is a new irregular spice for your tongue, mind and feet. Its mission: Eat breakfast with the DJs feeding scenes around China. Dancers who make it to the finish gets free breakfast in the club.