Postunk - 酸角豆汁儿 (Tamarind Juice)
Shy People Mix07.07 2021

最近我们才开始认识了成都俱乐部 Cue 的联合创始人、DJ、Syncopation 切分音派对组织者 Postunk。大家私下叫他“晒豆”,有种一见如故的亲切感,应该是我们知道他的音乐风格和我们很像吧,就爱些怪怪的舞曲,当然还因为感觉他也很害羞。
这周六下午16:00-17:00,我们在 abC 艺术书展北京站的对谈环节找 Postunk 来和深圳 OIL 老板孙慧源(Shy Beef)一起聊聊做俱乐部的事儿,地点在今日美术馆2号馆对谈区。周六晚上他俩还将出现在招待俱乐部的书展特别派对上为大家献上音乐,别错过哦。
“这个 set 是在前几天 Cue 舞池没开放的时候录的。因为最近成都的天气很热的原因,我每天出门路上都会买上一杯酸角汁祛暑解热,希望这个 set 能跟酸角汁一般让各位食欲大开,清爽一夏。”
It was only recently that we get to know Postunk, the co-founder of Cue Club Chengdu, DJ and organizer of party assembly “Syncopation”. He is privately called “Shaidou” by his friends, full of friendliness and affability. We think maybe it is because his taste in music and characteristics are very similar to ours— eccentric, curious but shy.
This Saturday afternoon, from 16:00-17:00, we'll meet with Postunk and Huiyuan Sun (Shy Beef), the owner of Oil Club Shenzhen, at the abC Art Book Fair Beijing Conversation Zone hall 2 of Today Art Museum, to talk about club stuff side by side. On Saturday night, the two will play a gig at the special party for the book fair at Zhaodai Club. So come along and don’t miss it.
“This set was recorded a few days ago when Cue's dance floor was closed to the public. Chengdu is getting real hot as the summer comes, I would grab a bottle of tamarind juice on my way in order to kill the heat every time I go out, hope this set will bring you appetite and keeping you cool just like my tamarind juice.”
Cue Club in Chengdu
This Saturday afternoon, from 16:00-17:00, we'll meet with Postunk and Huiyuan Sun (Shy Beef), the owner of Oil Club Shenzhen, at the abC Art Book Fair Beijing Conversation Zone hall 2 of Today Art Museum, to talk about club stuff side by side. On Saturday night, the two will play a gig at the special party for the book fair at Zhaodai Club. So come along and don’t miss it.
“This set was recorded a few days ago when Cue's dance floor was closed to the public. Chengdu is getting real hot as the summer comes, I would grab a bottle of tamarind juice on my way in order to kill the heat every time I go out, hope this set will bring you appetite and keeping you cool just like my tamarind juice.”