百会电台十月节目 → Shy People w/ gtalks! radio on BAIHUI.LIVE
10.03 2021
10月3日,今天傍晚5-6点首播,Shy People 将呈现一期年轻女性创作人之间的音乐访谈节目。
在我们的最新一期百会电台节目,乌鲁木齐女生 Gulniyal 带来她在洛杉矶创办的 gtalks! radio 之特别内容。她在疫情后利用网络即时通讯视频软件 FaceTime 和 Zoom 采访不同文化出身的女性创作者,分享各自的故事,互相激励并与志同道合的朋友建立联系。Gulniyal 从过往节目中精选出其中5位受采访的朋友,大家在轻松的环境下提出对于“创作”的建议,同时插播各自的原创歌曲或者喜欢的曲目。
This month, in our show for BAIHUI.LIVE, Gulniyal shares an episode of gtalks! radio where she features clips of advice from 5 female creators that she has interviewed in the past. Due to the pandemic, Gulniyal shifted her platform from radio studio to FaceTime/Zoom to interview creators from different cultural backgrounds, sharing advice, and making meaningful connections in the creative industry. In this episode, Gulniyal also plays tunes that are either created or loved by the artists between conversations.
Cover photo provided by gtalks! radio
Alondra Costilla
Alondra Costilla (they/she) is a freelance photographer based in Los Angeles. They love working with themes on gender and identity, and hope to continue combining all their passions to create images that invoke an aspect of the human experience.
现居伦敦的音乐人和制作人。目前在准备她创立的视觉品牌 Huanh Kailing。
Caselean is a DIY musician and producer based in London, currently preparing to launch her visual branding platform, Huang Kailing.
Qui Yasuka
现居德州的 Qui 具有多种才能,最近在服装品牌 TOMBOGO™ 的纽约秀场“Nature Is Healing” 走秀。
Qui Yasuka is a multitalented artist from Texas, recently did her first walk at Tombogo’s “Nature Is Healing” SS22 runway show at NYFW.
Lucy Park
现居洛杉矶的音乐人,也是 After Dinner Record Label 的创始人之一。
Lucy Park is a Los Angeles based artist from the UK, she is also one of the founders of After Dinner Record Label.
Olivia Haroutounian
现居德州的复古服装收藏家/交易商。最近在《Vogue》网站和设计师 Elisa Jimenez 合作,重新制作了 Elise 为《欲望都市》中女主角 Carrie Bradshaw 设计的 naked dress(上图这件)。
Olivia Haroutounian is a vintage dealer from Texas. Not long ago, Olivia was fitted for her naked dress by Elisa Jimenez and shared her experience with Liana Satenstein on Vogue Fashion.
Gulniyal (微博)
现居加州的 DJ / radio broadcaster。通过电台采访年轻创作人, 分享有趣的故事和音乐。
Gulniyal is a radio broadcaster and DJ based in Los Angeles. Her involvement with radio started her freshman year of college, when she used her studio space to connect and have conversations with friends that love music + art. Her show gtalks! radio is a space that shares stories and advice, fueling her journey of finding herself in the creative community. Gulniyal hopes it will do the very same for people that are listening.