Curated by Shy People
Chinese Creative Community

Aphex Twin on Tinder (New size on the road)
$47 /¥299
11.18 2020
Tinder is a window into human diversity. I spent Chinese New Year’s holiday back home and felt super bored. So I got on Tinder and found this Aphex Twin’s “twin brother”, and it made my holiday a lot more interesting. Then I thought to myself, Tinder could actually be a resourceful app as it helps people, especially shy people, to meet other people for sex.
This is the story behind our new tee — Aphex Twin on Tinder. “Helping shy people have sex” is printed on the back. Created by NEW LOGIC, a creative agency founded in 2020 for underground and overground with offices in Beijing and Shanghai. Pre-order starts today, only on Shy Shop, and worldwide shipping will start from December, 2020.
“Tinder 是见证人类多样性的一扇橱窗。我在老家过年实在无聊,打开 Tinder 一翻到 Aphex Twin 的这位孪生兄弟就乐出声儿来。我想,Tinder 应该是个好软件,它帮助各种人,特别是害羞的人们拥有了性生活吧。”
这就是“ Aphex Twin on Tinder ” T恤的背后故事。由北京/上海创意机构 NEW LOGIC 首次制作,并把“ Helping shy people have sex ”做为标语印在了背部。从即日起在我们的 Shy Shop 作全球预售,但寄货时间需要延后。我们想再修改工厂样品直到满意再出货。
︎ Aphex Twin on Tinder
Short sleeve T-shirt in white, Unisex, 100% cotton.
Rib knit round neck, blue portrait print on chest, monochrome print on back.
︎ 中国大陆及港澳台地区均可点击购买: 微店 闲鱼

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We need information including CONTACT NAME, ADDRESS & CONTACT NUMBER for each order, please confirm it before placing the order.
We need information including CONTACT NAME, ADDRESS & CONTACT NUMBER for each order, please confirm it before placing the order.

untitled folder 5 — On Alternative Means of (Queer) Resistance [Sold Out]
$36 /¥239
11.19 2020
untitled folder is a Mandarin and English bilingual culture, art and fashion publication founded by Edge Yang, co-edited by boihugo. “With a focus on masculinities and global oriental queer, we persist in marching forward in the exploration of multiple truths. We expect the rising of newborn powers. We raise questions, and try to defend our values alongside our doubts. We explore the boundar- ies of our identifications, in order to seek a friendlier context for di-alogue.”
In this issue: researcher and writer tonghu reviews Zheng Bo’s Pteridophilia and reflects on ‘plant queerness’ and anthropocentrism, proposing the abandonment of language and a return to the body and action; fashion stylist Edge Yang subverts the racial and gender identities of Western Gods by creating images of Oriental Queer Gods with the help of photographer Yi Tuo and art director Zipeng, scrutinizing and interrogating an absolute authority unchallenged for centuries; and Edge’s editorial is photographed against the backdrop of a classical theatre stage where queer folk have long been underrepresented, mixing two seemingly contradictory narratives: blurred facial features and personality cults.
Our Global Oriental Queer Association welcomes six new members: shaonan, tommyxiexin, canalplasctic, Oscar Ouyang and (according to him) Naomi Campbell’s ‘daughter’ Oscar Chik. We chat loudly but attentively about sex, love, urban life, mental health, identity politics and breakfast recipes, building a safe space for us all in 2020 in the form of our oral histories.
Also featured: untitled folder commissions former queer soldier Vanney, ‘Sainsbury’s bouncer’ Cyril, tortured art tutor Zeehan, adventurous housewife Sans and full-time Tinder gold user Rayleigh to pose with the theme of “post-quarantine rave looks”, accompanied by short anecdotes about their cutest clubbing experiences. In the same feature, thinker and writer Xi Shaonan takes the Queer nightlife scenes of Beijing and Shanghai as examples, introducing a ‘temporary feeling of freedom’ and aesthetic emancipation as an indirect, low cost means of resistance: ‘It is when, at its best, the struggles across boundaries melt into one and many.’
untitled folder 是一本中英双语杂志。带着对“东亚酷儿”与“男子气概“的关注,在文化、艺术与时装领域中寻求多元真相,探求新型力量,探索自我认知的边界,寻求更友善的语境。
在本期里,untitled folder 邀请文化研究者和写作者胡桐,将艺术家郑波的作品《蕨恋》为始,以“植物酷儿”为线,反思人类中心主义,倡导抛弃语言、回归身体与行为的实践;时装造型师 Edge Yang 在摄影师 Yi Tuo 和艺术指导 zipeng 的协助下,挑战西方众神的种族和性别身份,转而描绘一幅东亚酷儿神像,重新审视千古年来不曾变化过的绝对权威;同一主题下,Edge 以另一角度切入,以鲜有酷儿身影的古典舞台戏剧为背景,模糊个人特征的同时若有若无地赋予图像“个人崇拜”的复杂叙事;
延续自上期的“环球东方酷儿协会”迎来六位新成员:shaonan、tommyxiexin、canalplastic、Oscar Ouyang、Felix Choong 和(Naomi Campbell的女儿)Oscar Chik,继续大声细聊性,爱,城市生活,心理健康、身份政治和早餐食谱,以口述历史的形式在2020年共同构筑一个属于我们的安全空间。同时,酷儿前军丽 Vanney、“英国连锁超市门童” Cyril、备受折磨的艺术(家)导师杨喆涵、西双版纳探险主妇 Sans 以及全职 Tinder Gold* 用户 Rayleigh 为我们献上以“疫情后第一次出门跳舞”为命题的绝世美照,各显神通,配以简短文字,助我们得以一窥他们最可爱的夜生活经历;紧随其后:写作者郗少男以北京和上海的酷儿夜生活场景为序,尝试探讨短暂的自由感和美学解放作为一种间接且低门槛的抵抗的可能性。“夜晚里,不同的抗争融为一体,又尽欢而散。”

Gouda Na x bonbonmuseum — “Eros & Sore” Silk Scarf
$55 /¥295
12.03 2020
Bacchus fell in love with a mortal princess Ariadne at first sight who were abandoned on a uncharted island . However, he couldn’t believe that Ariadne would leave him one day. The crown he gave to Ariadne flied to the starry sky and changed into Corona Borealis when he was deeply depressed.
Eros to sore is what lock to key, pearl and chain outlined in love take shape. The understanding on love more than a single romance, but the pain by love is chasing people in love. As shown in the legend of Bacchus and the mortal Ariadne, we are inspired to rethink love and eternity and the end of love won’t stop our imagination, but like a shining star.
酒神 Bacchus 遇见被遗弃在荒岛上的凡间公主 Ariadne 时,他们相爱了。但他并没有想到有一天 Ariadne 会彻底离开他,当他伤心欲绝的时候,他送给 Ariadne 的冠冕飞上星空,化作了星空中的北冕座。
爱神与伤痛,锁与钥匙,珍珠和链条是爱情里勾勒出的形状。对爱的理解不仅仅是单一的浪漫,同时由爱带来的伤痛也是人们无法逃离的。正如酒神 Bacchus 与凡人 Ariadne 的故事让我们重新去思考爱与永恒。爱情的结束也不能阻止我们对它的想象,即使它如星辰一般地存在着。
材质 真丝 质感绸缎
成分 100%桑蚕丝 (Mulberry Silk 100%)
工艺 进口活性喷印工艺
尺寸 60*60cm
︎ 两种图案可供选择 (Two Images to Choose): 锁 Lock (lighter one) / 钥匙 Key (darker one)
︎ 中国大陆及港澳台地区均可点击购买: 微店 闲鱼

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"HEY TOMORROW" Limited Giclee Print [Last Copies]
$19 /¥80
12.09 2020
A special gift for the new year and Shy People 1st Anniversary Party. Still life by the new photographer Little Box that we discover in Instagram.
终于,2020年跑到了最后一个月份。乐观的我们相信,明天,明年会更好!我们联手新挖掘的摄影师吕小盒,以欢迎新的一年为题,同时也为 Shy People 一周年派对,制作了一份有可口樱桃做甜点的静物装置照片。 虽然我们第一次制作产品,幸好有专业的摄影圈朋友提供帮助,让我们在短短一周时间内就搞出这份拿得出手的“艺术微喷”小礼物。
For Shy People 1st Anniversary
Still life by Little Box
Produced by Shy People
Hahnemühle Studio Enhanced 210g
w/ Cardboard 800g
+ Transparent logo sticker
Shy People 出品
哈内姆勒 Hahnemühle Studio Enhanced 210克纸
︎ 中国大陆及港澳台地区均可点击购买: 微店 闲鱼

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