Venus Flytrap — Music for Reading Encyclopedias
Shy People Mix10.08 2021

Venus Flytrap:“我是今年才拥有了自己第一本百科全书,是一本由 Smithsonian 学会编写的自然历史百科全书,我太喜欢了。虽说百科全书总是被划分成儿童读物,但我知道10岁的自己绝对没办法从书里面获得现在这样的愉悦。所以这次构思 Shy People Mix 的时候,我想干脆做一集适合阅读百科全书时听的音乐吧,鼓励成年人们多看看不同的知识。它也可以成为你在家无所事事时的背景音乐,认不认真听都可以的背景音乐。
① 在俱乐部没机会放的音乐,应该大部分都是氛围乐;
② 可以稍微古怪抽象一点,启发你的好奇心;
③ 作为帮你向外打开思维的音乐,不能太多愁善感;
④ 作为背景音乐,不能太喧宾夺主,要不然可能记不住读的东西;
⑤ 可以带来一些自然环境的联想,让潜意识带你到达新的空间;
⑥ 尽量让选择的音乐人国籍多样化一些。

“到了筛选和排列顺序的时候,我又忍不住一定要给这个 mix 加一个故事性。昨天晚上刚看了一部电影,《The Green Knight /绿衣骑士》,估计是受电影的影响,我脑海里想象出了一个英雄在野外冒险的故事。音乐从繁茂的树林开始,英雄踏上征程,路上从劳累、孤独和对自然中未知的恐惧等挑战中获得成长,最后蜕变成新的自己。同时也让我想起在山地环境里徒步时,在不同阶段能遇到的植被、动物和空气湿度的各种变化。氛围乐有时候显得太不起眼,但是这个mix提醒了我,氛围乐可以传递的情绪多种多样,不只是属于冥想和助眠。
“以上所有的心思加在一起,就有了这个 mix 哈哈。也不知道最后是不是真的适合读书的时候听,如果你觉得适合,欢迎告诉我。 ”

现居上海的 Rachel(化名 Venus Flytrap)在不放歌的时候,是一位纪录片导演/制片,喜欢去野外玩。我们邀请她在10月22号上海电梯的大派对上放歌。
“Venus Flytrap 一开始是我开玩笑想到的DJ名,到了第一次在 C’s Bar 上台表演前都没想好用什么替代。但后来却越来越喜欢这个稍显俗气的称号。做 DJ 才一年时间,喜欢的音乐风格已经差不多换了12轮,每个月都不一样,每一次演出还是会花很长时间准备歌单。在上海和全国各地俱乐部轮岗之余,我现在每月有一个周四会跟 Frau 在电梯组织一场‘Half Time’派对,深挖一些既可以坐着听也可以跳着听的非常规俱乐部音乐。”
01 Green-House - Parlor Palm
02 Yu Su - Touch-Me-Not 03 Kaishandao - To the East Coast
04 Norken - Home
05 Ahnnu - B5120
06 Phil Stroud - Eucalyptus
07 URA - Shojin
08 Alan Backdrop - Seed
09 Spacetime Continuum - Twister
10 Carmel & Salomo - Forest at Night
11 Ex-Terrestrial - Dreams of Jupiter
12 James Bernard - Konstrukt
13 Healion - I’ll See It When I Believe It
14 Citizen Maze - Glade Hollow
15 Roberto Musci - Nexus On The Beach
🎨 Digital Illustration Cover by 乔一敏
"I owned my first encyclopedia this year. It is a natural history encyclopedia written by the Smithsonian Institute. I like it so much. Although the encyclopedia is always divided into children’s books, I know my 10-year-old self There is absolutely no way to get such joy from the book. So when I was conceiving this Shy People Mix, I'd like to simply make a set that is suitable for reading the encyclopedia, and encourage adults to look at new knowledge. It also could be the background music when you are chilling at home. No matter if you listen carefully or not.” - Venus Flytrap
Some Requests of Selecting Music:
① Most of the music that has no chance to play in the club. Ambient music mostly;
② It can be a little weird and abstract to inspire your curiosity;
③ As music that helps you open your mind, couldn’t be too sentimental;
④ As background music, it should not be too overwhelming, otherwise you may not remember what you read;
⑤ It can bring some associations of the natural environment, and let the subconscious mind take you to a new space;
⑥ Try to diversify the nationalities of the selected musicians.
Rachel aka Venus Flytrap is a documentary director/producer that based in Shanghai. We invited her to DJ at Elevator Shanghai on October 22nd.
Venus Flytrap was a joke of the DJ name at C's Bar for the first gig. Then she became more and more fond of this slightly cheesy title. She have only been a DJ for a year. But she has been changed the music styles every month. It takes a long time to prepare a playlist for each performance. Venus Flytrap organizes Half Time party with Frau in Elevator Shanghai monthly On Thursday, to dig some unconventional club music that can be listened to while sitting or dancing.
Digital Illustration Cover by 乔一敏
Shy People x abC Art Book Fair pres.
Rave Planet: New Traveller
@ Elevator 10.22 (Fri.)
DJ 10000
Venus Flytrap
Yihao (Performance)
Some Requests of Selecting Music:
① Most of the music that has no chance to play in the club. Ambient music mostly;
② It can be a little weird and abstract to inspire your curiosity;
③ As music that helps you open your mind, couldn’t be too sentimental;
④ As background music, it should not be too overwhelming, otherwise you may not remember what you read;
⑤ It can bring some associations of the natural environment, and let the subconscious mind take you to a new space;
⑥ Try to diversify the nationalities of the selected musicians.
Rachel aka Venus Flytrap is a documentary director/producer that based in Shanghai. We invited her to DJ at Elevator Shanghai on October 22nd.
Venus Flytrap was a joke of the DJ name at C's Bar for the first gig. Then she became more and more fond of this slightly cheesy title. She have only been a DJ for a year. But she has been changed the music styles every month. It takes a long time to prepare a playlist for each performance. Venus Flytrap organizes Half Time party with Frau in Elevator Shanghai monthly On Thursday, to dig some unconventional club music that can be listened to while sitting or dancing.
Digital Illustration Cover by 乔一敏

Shy People x abC Art Book Fair pres.
Rave Planet: New Traveller
@ Elevator 10.22 (Fri.)
DJ 10000
Venus Flytrap
Yihao (Performance)