游莉 — 喀什噶尔
Kashgar by You Li, at TCS_Windows
08.19 2021

早在十年前,一组拍摄于中国北方多个省份的系列摄影作品《寂静的纬度》,就让我们记住了来自辽宁沈阳的作者,摄影师游莉。她的另一组作品《喀什噶尔》最近在悉尼的一家“橱窗画廊” TCS_Windows 展出。看着这些穿越了十年光阴的新疆老城影像重新呈现在另一个遥远的经纬度上,不禁感慨时光与和平的珍贵。
—— 游莉

TCS_Windows 是澳大利亚悉尼市一个临街面的橱窗空间,专注于展示本地和国际艺术家的当代摄影作品的空间。他们全年举办月度项目。该空间由3个面朝街道的大窗户组成,让公众可以以自己的时间和方式,每天24小时随意观看作品。
地址:82a Angel Street Newtown, Sydney
Exhibition Photo by TCS_Windows
Kashgar by You Li
‘In 2010, I started to document the old city of Kashgar, trying to recreate this city on paper with photography.
Kashgar has been an important trading center since the time of the Silk Road, linking Central Asia and China. 10 years ago, the old city of Kashgar still retained the original streets and blocks found in old Islamic cities in Central Asia. History endowed the old city with interconnected streets that resembled a spider web, and the people living in it had a similarly complex social structure. At that time, the adobe houses of earth construction were challenged by time and the changing climate; about 85% of the old city was planned to be renovated or reconstructed.
Now, 10 years later, this old city has been reconstructed into a tourist city that is much different than its old look. But a decade ago, with my gaze, I paid a tribute in advance to the old Kashgar and its history while I was there -- just as you are gazing at this city from another city, far away today.’
TCS_Windows is a space that focuses on exhibiting contemporary photography from local and international artists. We run monthly shows all year around. The space is made up of 3 large windows facing the street which allow the public to view the work 24/7 in their own time and way. Located at 82a Angel Street Newtown, Sydney.
‘In 2010, I started to document the old city of Kashgar, trying to recreate this city on paper with photography.
Kashgar has been an important trading center since the time of the Silk Road, linking Central Asia and China. 10 years ago, the old city of Kashgar still retained the original streets and blocks found in old Islamic cities in Central Asia. History endowed the old city with interconnected streets that resembled a spider web, and the people living in it had a similarly complex social structure. At that time, the adobe houses of earth construction were challenged by time and the changing climate; about 85% of the old city was planned to be renovated or reconstructed.
Now, 10 years later, this old city has been reconstructed into a tourist city that is much different than its old look. But a decade ago, with my gaze, I paid a tribute in advance to the old Kashgar and its history while I was there -- just as you are gazing at this city from another city, far away today.’
TCS_Windows is a space that focuses on exhibiting contemporary photography from local and international artists. We run monthly shows all year around. The space is made up of 3 large windows facing the street which allow the public to view the work 24/7 in their own time and way. Located at 82a Angel Street Newtown, Sydney.