cbge — Изнанка
09.30 2021

本次 Mix Set 由俄罗斯新人 DJ cbge 主理。挖掘自新血北京,他在我们4月14日招待俱乐部的春之舞派对中做过暖场。
俄文标题 Изнанка (Iznanka) 意为内心,内在。cbge 录制的这个 Set 内容丰富、粗狂又蕴含着细腻心思。
“在我家乡附近有一座山叫 Торатау (Toratau),我很久没有去爬过了。问了同学要来照片看看。”
cbge 来自俄罗斯联邦巴什科尔托斯坦共和国首府乌法,是新民谣/实验电子乐团 ВШЫ 的前成员,也曾是硬核的 Gabber 狂迷。我们通过去年的“新血北京”项目认识了这位京城俱乐部场景当中的新人之一。
cbge comes from Уфа, the capitol of Republic of Bashkortostan. Now based in Beijing. He was a huge fan of Gabber, and ex member of Neo Folk/Experimental band ВШЫ.
We discovered him from our New Blood Beijing project and invited him as the warm up DJ in Spring Dance party 04.14 at Zhao Dai club.
The Russian title Изнанка (Iznanka) means inner part, the whole inside. cbge provides a DJ mix set that combines raw and soft thinking in various styles.
"Well there is this mountain Торатау (Toratau) near my hometown. I haven't been there in a while I asked classmate to send me some pictures from there."
01. Тальник - Street Suit 2
02. Salem - Not Much Of A Life
03. Andy Stott - Damage
04. Varg2™ & Bladee - Perfect Violation
05. Severin Glance - Threshold Ex
07. Holy Other - Know Where
08. Philipp Gorbachev - Соединительный Звон
09. AYA - babylos (bey x hmw)
10. Don Zilla - Full Moon
11. Dannyhell - Khmer Army
12. Тальник – Сиб Афины
13. oqbqbo - With Light Behind
14. oqbqbo - Usnea
15. Снежные Цепи - Троекратный Поцелуй II
16. Sewerslvt - Slvtcrvsher
17. Sewerslvt - intheend
18. MIMIDEATH - Girls Just Want 2 Have Fun
19. Leinad - The Ghost In U
20. Request Lorraine - Hidden Elite
21. AYA - Oneohtrix Point Never-Along (LTJ Bukem Remix)
22. Hidekiu Okugawa - Gouki Stage -KILLING MOON-
23. Sewerslvt - inlove
24. Mean-E - Aw Shit
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