你听过 Trillbient 这种风格吗?
Frau — Trillbient
Shy People Mix11.20 2021

Frau 来自墨尔本/纳尔姆,他肯定是一个资深的电子乐乐迷。因为我们可以从他的 DJ Set 中听到不少同年龄段乐迷朋友所受到的电子音乐影响和重叠的聆听内容。不过作为一个 DJ,他极好地在自己的声音中做出了足够明确和坦诚的表达。所以,在 Frau 下周末的电梯演出前,我们赶来发布他的这个新做的,有关一个合成音乐风格的 Mix Set。
“我想为 Shy People 制作一个与我平时在俱乐部播放有所不同的混音 —— 放一些带有流行讽刺意味的缓慢而情绪化的曲目。从几首 Trip Hop 歌曲作为开端,我在音乐库中搜索可以与之碰撞的曲目。结果找到了一堆 1990 年代的 Downtempo 音乐,它们带有 Dub 的影子和坚实的鼓点。在每几首曲目组成的段落当中,我都会加入一些流行乐但并非人声歌曲,这挺有趣的。
“我真的很喜欢有趣的鼓编程、低音和混响浸透的俱乐部音乐,所以 Trip Hop 和 Illbient 音乐一直是非常鼓舞人心的挖掘领域。Trip Hop 和 Illbient —— 就是标题‘Trillbient’的由来。
“这个混音包含来自 1990 年代末和 2000 年代初的一些我最喜欢的制作人的曲目。我在 DDJ-400 上混音,这是针对 Rekordbox 的最便宜入门级双通道控制器了。” —— Frau
01 Watershell - We
02 downstairs J - Lab Rat Boogie
03 Crustation - Face The Waves
04 Dido - Honestly Ok
05 Digitalis - Yab Yum Soul
06 Hybryds - Pain
07 Maara - Dungeon Babez
08 Tol - Swing
09 Garbage - Queer
10 Z-Plane - Smokey
11 Layo & Bushwacka! - Sleepy Language
12 Nutcase & Papachu - Untitled (feat. Petah)
13 Eat Static - Abnormal Interference
14 Mat Carter - The Violent Case
15 Sneaker Pimps - 6 Underground
Art Work by Rachel
Frau 热衷于在 DJ Set 中搜寻旋律化的电子音乐、深邃的低音律动以及氛围感的舞池动能。你可以去翻阅他在百会电台中主播的 Rhythmic Massage 节目来得到印证。哦,他是联合创办了百会电台的三个人之一,同时经营 NTS Radio 的上海工作室,并以 China Social Club 的名义做派对。今年还和我们曾经邀请过的 Venus Flytrap 一起举办名为 Half Time 的派对。这个系列之夜主要播放一些非常规的,无需消耗过多能量的边缘俱乐部音乐。并非说派对当晚很冷清,只是你不用面对震到脸垮掉的锐舞音乐吧。

“I wanted to make a mix for Shy People that was a little bit different to normal clubby stuff I play. To play some slow and moody tracks with a touch of pop irony. Starting with a couple of trip hop songs as references, I scoured my library for tracks I could bump with those references and found a bunch of 90s downtempo stuff with dubby influences and gritty drums. Every couple of tracks I dropped in some pop not pop vocal tracks which keep it fun.”
“I really like interesting drum programming, sub bass and reverb soaked club music so Trip Hop and Illbient have been a really inspiring area to dig. Trip Hop and Illbient, that’s where the title, Trillbient comes from.”
“The mix features tracks from some of my favourite producers from the late 90s and early 2000s.”
“I mixed it on a DDJ-400 which is the cheapest entry level 2 channel controller for Rekordbox.”
“My sets delve into the deeper offsprings of house and techno, encompassing rhythm driven electronics, deep bass groove and dance floor ambience. I co-founded China-based music radio BAIHUI.LIVE, run the NTS Radio Shanghai studio and promote parties as China Social Club. I also run a party called Half Time with Venus Flytrap where we play fringe club music that isn’t suitable for most normal club nights that require too much energy from the DJ. It’s not to say the party is chill, it’s just not a face-melting Rave.”
— Frau

Half Time
@ Elevator 11.25
Venus Flytrap