DJ / Label Founder / A&R
装载吉普赛的好奇心,音乐厂牌 / 文化平台 “Shy People” “N3V3R1AND” 幕后舵手 10000 从南方海滨小镇启航,畅游于锐舞银河的恩典之中,从万千奇异乐符的探寻旅程,洞见人生星图的斑斑点点。厌倦音乐流派的束缚,偏爱折衷主义的惊奇瞬间和不完美的情绪流动。或许玩世不恭,或许内向敏感,10000 的声响为抚慰舞池里的孤独灵魂而存在。纵使时代支离破碎,我们依然在某处共鸣。
Fueled by Gypsy curiosity, 10000, the silent helmsman behind the music label and cultural platform 'Shy People' and 'N3V3R1AND,' sets sail from a southern seaside town in China. He navigates through the grace of the rave galaxy, embarking on a voyage through thousands of peculiar musical notes, uncovering the scattered points of life's star map. Tired of the constraints of musical genres, he favors the surprising moments of eclecticism and the imperfect flow of emotions. Perhaps irreverent, perhaps introspective and sensitive, the sounds of 10000 exist to soothe the lonely souls on the dance floor. Even as times remain fragmented, we still resonate somewhere.
Fueled by Gypsy curiosity, 10000, the silent helmsman behind the music label and cultural platform 'Shy People' and 'N3V3R1AND,' sets sail from a southern seaside town in China. He navigates through the grace of the rave galaxy, embarking on a voyage through thousands of peculiar musical notes, uncovering the scattered points of life's star map. Tired of the constraints of musical genres, he favors the surprising moments of eclecticism and the imperfect flow of emotions. Perhaps irreverent, perhaps introspective and sensitive, the sounds of 10000 exist to soothe the lonely souls on the dance floor. Even as times remain fragmented, we still resonate somewhere.