●    Zhang An - Photography of Nanjing
●    RA’s The Art of DJing: CCL (Chinese Translation)
●    GINKO’s Favorite Ten Heim Party Posters
●    Wild Party Underground on Artificial Island, Shot by Guo Yiming
●    The Poster History of United Lakes
●    Posters from SeventyMaos
●    23 Best Albums of 2023
●    MENSLIES Long Archive 22-23
●    Yu Su Interview
●    zus
●    Jialin Yan
●    Guangzhou Illustrator DADA
●    boihugo 
●    Skater&Room
●    MENSLIES 20-21
●    A Brief Introduction to Trans
●    Record Stores in Tokyo
●    Queer Nightlife as Aesthetic Emancipation Shanghai & Beijing
●    What’s This Music Genre Hyperpop? 
●    How Architecture Transforms the Clubbing Experience
Still Life by Little Box


10000 - A Voyage to a Multidimensional Utopia of Sound 
I'm a Car, statement made by jan Sile 
DJ Latinchat - Latin Wha
zj☻'s Inner Rage
May Impressions by Sanyo
Contemporary Vietnamese Music Mix by ephemeral objects
New Australian Music Exchange Selected by Frantic Items
Flower Boy
Latin Dreams by 10000 
MoKeLun (Mixtape)
Self-introduction by Run! Rabbit Run!
100th Shy People Mix by knopha
Shy People 3rd Anniversary w Juan Plus One 
10000 @ OIL 
Sounds of 2022
Pigtail 6/7 
Night Swimmer on NTS 
Otherworldly Summer 

Sounds of 2021
Sounds of 2020 by Aunty Chen Sounds of 2020 by DJ 10000


10.19 Shy People 5th Anniversary Party w/ umru @ Zhao Dai
10.26 Shy People 5th Anniversary Party w/ Ciel @ .TAG

7.27 Shy People Night Out @ Wigwam Shanghai 
07.12 Moktar’s Neverland @ Zhao Dai Beijing 06.14 New World Coven w/ Kiss Nuka
05.31 Shy People Showcase @ Zhao Dai on Leave 2024
Yu Su & Knopha 
10.27 Halloween Eve for Shy People
Travelling Without Moving
09.29 Shy People Label Night
Shy People w/ KID FRESINO
Chūn Yóu Festival
害羞的人 3rd Anniversary Party
Girl Rave


●    同名音乐厂牌挖掘基于中国人视角的电子音乐, 从中寻求偏安世界一隅的我们和当下时代的共鸣。

●    The music label Shy People explores electronic music from a Chinese perspective, seeking a resonance between us, who are situated in any corner of the world, and the current era.

●    音楽レーベルShy Peopleは、中国の視点に基づく電子音楽を掘り下げ、世界の片隅にいる私たちと現在の時代との共鳴を探求します。

Xia Ye by Night Swimmer
Versus RUI HO & Ciel 


abC Shanghai 2023
5 New Publications 2022 
Publication Catalog
5 New Publications 05.2022 
John Cage Mushroom


●    文化平台 / 音乐厂牌 / 线上商店 “害羞的人” 在高速发展的当下中国,热衷探索文化与生活方式的可能性,并致力于其体验场景的建构。

●    Born out of a passion for exploration, Shy People is a cultural platform, music label and webshop that creates experiences designed to demonstrate the limitless possibilities of culture & lifestyle in China.

●  「シャイ・ピープル」は、急成長する中国における現代生活の多様性を探求し、その体験を表現する芸術文化プラットフォームおよび音楽レーベルです。


𓇽 Say Hi 𓇽 Artist Booking 𓇽 Drop Demo 𓇽 Business Shit



微店 💭


☻ Founded by 10000
in Beijing, China 2019


10000 — A Voyage to a Multidimensional Utopia of Sound

10.14 2024

网络、人工智能和虚拟技术的极速发展,将人类社会的演变推进到扭曲的时间和空间之中,已有经验不足以预测未来的走向。或许我们为了获得一跃而就的欲望达成,决意与失控签署对赌协议。在集体互相挟持前进的路上,无人能独善其身。“Welcome to the real world.” House 舞曲大神 Frankie Knuckles 在 set 开头如此说到。


The rapid development of the internet, artificial intelligence, and virtual technology has pushed the evolution of human society into a realm of distorted time and space, where past experiences are insufficient to predict the future. Perhaps in our quest for instant gratification, we have chosen to sign a reckless bet with chaos. On this path of collective entanglement, no one can remain unaffected. "Welcome to the real world." This is how house music legend Frankie Knuckles begins at the start of this set.

I still believe in alternative choices and other possible "destinations" for our future. It's not about "poetry and distance"; it exists in our conscious choices made every day, accumulated in the process of "music and the present moment." For now, I'll refer to this abstract idea as "N3V3R1AND" (if Peter Pan lived in the digital age, would Neverland be written this way?).

这两个小时长度的 mix set 便是用音乐的方式描绘了一场前往多维度乌托邦 —— N3V3R1AND 的航行。我将90年代至今丰富的锐舞历史中的多种元素融合在一起,涵盖了从笼统的电子音乐、4/4拍到 Bass 音乐的各种风格,通过三十多年的当代音乐混合来捕捉时光的变迁与不着痕迹;并融入了从中美洲土著传统音乐、巴勒斯坦合成器乐队到海牙非洲散居者音乐的全球俱乐部影响,以反映我们今天如何体验舞池:旧与新、此与彼,皆汇聚为一。Kraftwerk 的工业电鼓与土耳其达拉布卡鼓/肚皮舞的融合也提供了一种时空扁平化的解读。

我也有意在这个 set 里表明自己喜欢的两种音乐元素。前半部分的音乐一直在蜿蜒曲折地游走在不同风格、速度和情绪之中,对我来说曲目“新鲜有趣”很重要,但各种声音的模糊交织通感地呈现出我对近年社会迷雾般的感受。在后半部分,我打造了不停往前冲的舞曲氛围,同时其中仍有节奏类型不停变化的“流动能量”。

This two-hour mix set expresses a journey toward a multidimensional utopia—N3V3R1AND—through music. I blend various elements from the rich history of rave from the 90s to the present, encompassing a range of styles from general electronic music and 4/4 beats to bass music, capturing the passage of time seamlessly through over thirty years of contemporary music mixing. I also incorporate global club influences from indigenous music of Central America, Palestinian traditional music combined with synthesizers, to Afro-diasporic sounds from The Hague, reflecting how we experience the dance floor today: old and new, here and there, all converge as one. The fusion of Kraftwerk's industrial beats with Turkish darbuka and belly dance offers a flattened interpretation of time and space.

I also intend to express two musical elements I enjoy in this set. The first half wanders through different styles, tempos, and emotions, where the "weird fun" of the tracks are essential to me. The blurred interplay of various sounds conveys my feelings about the societal fog of recent years. In the second half, I create a driving dance atmosphere that I love. At the same time, there is a "fluid energy" characterized by constant shifts in rhythmic styles.

封面拍摄于去年底去墨尔本野外 Meradith 音乐节的路上。几个小时车程绵延满山的绿草地和卷起来草垛太有90s早期锐舞户外派对的臆想了。“Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy?” 皇后乐队在最后 Raven Maize 的采样里唱到。真实和幻想有时并非是泾渭分明的。

The cover was shot on the way to the Meredith music festival in the countryside of Melbourne at the end of last year. The hours of driving through rolling green hills and stacked hay bales evoke a vivid imagination of early 90s rave outdoor parties. "Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy?" sings Queen in the final sample of Raven Maize. Reality and fantasy are not always clearly distinct.

—— 10000

装载吉普赛的好奇心,音乐厂牌/文化平台“Shy People”“N3V3R1AND”幕后舵手10000从南方海滨小镇启航,畅游于锐舞银河的恩典之中,从万千奇异乐符的探寻旅程,洞见人生星图的斑斑点点。厌倦音乐流派的束缚,偏爱折衷主义的惊奇瞬间和不完美的情绪流动。或许玩世不恭,或许内向敏感,10000的声响为抚慰舞池里的孤独灵魂而存在。纵使时代支离破碎,我们依然在某处共鸣。

Fueled by Gypsy curiosity, 10000, the silent helmsman behind the music label and cultural platform 'Shy People' and 'N3V3R1AND,' sets sail from a southern seaside town in China. He navigates through the grace of the rave galaxy, embarking on a voyage through thousands of peculiar musical notes, uncovering the scattered points of life's star map. Tired of the constraints of musical genres, he favors the surprising moments of eclecticism and the imperfect flow of emotions. Perhaps irreverent, perhaps introspective and sensitive, the sounds of 10000 exist to soothe the lonely souls on the dance floor. Even as times remain fragmented, we still resonate somewhere.

01 Frankie Knuckles - Welcome To The Real World
02 Winx - Airplane Pillows
03 nudo - Lycan
04 E+E - Elysian Dream
05 Social State - Moonbeam
06 Etari - Departure To Sunrise
07 Kassa - Overall Ready To Ball
08 Freaky Chakra - Goodbye
09 DJ Marfox - Tarraxo Everyday
10 Malasod - Remember
11 Regal86 - Intro
12 Masters at Work - Jus' A Lil' Dope
13 47SOUL - Intro To Shamstep
14 Yasar Akpence - Last Harem (Darbuka Solo)
15 Kraftwerk - Metal on Metal
16 Florentino - Colombian Flute
17 Kasper Marott - Top Soap
18 H-SIK - Upliftment wi want (Riddim)
19 Sega Bodega, Eartheater - Fade Into You
20 LOIF - In Flux
21 Innerzone Orchestra - Bug in a Bassbin
22 Yennek - Serena X (Innerzone Mix)
23 Pavel Dovgal - Floating Beams
24 Otik - Epiphania
25 Hardkiss - The Phoenix (Riverandrain)
26 Egyptrixx - Liberation Front
27 Sam Goku - Swamp Signal v2
28 Hawke - 3 Nudes in a Purple Garden
29 Mind Over Rhythm - Kubital Footstorm (Global Beatmix)
30 Desert - Moods (2003 Remix)
31 DJ JM - Syze
32 French II, Bastian Benjamin - Hive
33 Fauna Extinta - IER
34 Dual Monitor - Level Up
35 Anz - Body + Mind
36 The Hacker - The Beach
37 Double 99 - Ripgroove (Riphousz Mix)
38 DJ Mujava - Township Funk (DJ Rob 3 remix)
39 De Schuurman - Domina
40 Ayesha - V7
41 RAC - Raindancer
42 The Source Experience - Eroctra
43 Goldie - Inner City Life (Trevino Remix)
44 Raven Maize - The Real Life (Fatboy Slim Remix)
45 Gat Decor - Passion

Photo & Art Work by 10000
Icon Design by Han Gao
