来自 Z 世代的摆烂风派对海报
Quirky Posters from Gen Z DJ SeventyMaos
04.09 2023

这的确是海报!只是台北这个客户,GREY AREA 俱乐部, 他们不!要!文!字!Indeed, this is a poster! However, the client in Taipei, GREY AREA nightclub, prefers no text on their posters!

SeventyMaos 通俗人称七十只毛,业余平面设计师、兼职DJ。本文上传她近年主要为深圳 OIL 俱乐部、春游音乐节等所做的海报。
去年夏天 SeventyMaos 创立了自己的服装品牌 UNICONIC (取消图像)。她用理性的抽象图形进行拆分组合,用否定辩证的眼光看待图像在日常生活中所发生的作用,致力于为使用者带来一些联合、统一、完整、协调的视觉概念。用人话说就是:在衣服上搞搞抽疯了的图案。
SeventyMaos, commonly known as “七十只毛” (qīshí zhī máo), is an amateur graphic designer and part-time DJ. In this article, we're showcasing her recent posters created for the OIL Club in Shenzhen, Chunyou music festival and etc.
Last summer, SeventyMaos launched her own clothing brand, UNICONIC (means image removed). She utilizes rational abstract graphics, deconstructing and combining them with a critical eye towards the role of images in everyday life. Her aim is to bring users some unified, cohesive, and harmonious visual concepts. In simpler terms, she's playing around with quirky patterns on clothing.
去年夏天 SeventyMaos 创立了自己的服装品牌 UNICONIC (取消图像)。她用理性的抽象图形进行拆分组合,用否定辩证的眼光看待图像在日常生活中所发生的作用,致力于为使用者带来一些联合、统一、完整、协调的视觉概念。用人话说就是:在衣服上搞搞抽疯了的图案。
SeventyMaos, commonly known as “七十只毛” (qīshí zhī máo), is an amateur graphic designer and part-time DJ. In this article, we're showcasing her recent posters created for the OIL Club in Shenzhen, Chunyou music festival and etc.
Last summer, SeventyMaos launched her own clothing brand, UNICONIC (means image removed). She utilizes rational abstract graphics, deconstructing and combining them with a critical eye towards the role of images in everyday life. Her aim is to bring users some unified, cohesive, and harmonious visual concepts. In simpler terms, she's playing around with quirky patterns on clothing.