DJ Latinchat — Latin What
07.09 2024

Shy People 自从去年疯狂挖掘拉丁美洲的新潮音乐,至今狂热不减。我们邀约 DJ Latinchat 用一个小时的混音辑呈现 ta 眼中的拉丁美洲俱乐部音乐的样子。
这位驻扎在柏林的秘鲁音乐家/制作人/ DJ 为我们赶来的新 mix set,收录 ta 近期喜欢的拉丁美洲制作人的原创作品,以及自己多首未发行的作品,“与我为电台录制的其他混音相比,这个更偏向于舞池音乐,尽管仍留有实验的空间。”
不得不说简直是要听哭的程度,“其中大部分音乐可以被宽泛地归类为最近被称为‘拉丁俱乐部(Latin Club)’的风格:受拉丁节奏如雷击顿(或者翻译成雷鬼动?)(Reggaeton)、昆比亚(Cumbia)、梅伦格(Merengue)、萨尔萨(Salsa)等影响的,以舞池为导向的电子音乐。”
同样完美的封面来自平面设计双人组 MENSLIES!YKK 和 DJ TRUCK 也都很喜欢这位拉丁新秀,“ ta 的 Dembow Riddim 比较有迷幻味,意味悠长的感觉,有点黑暗但又很有能量。”
Shy People has been passionately digging into the latest trends of Latin American music since last year, and the enthusiasm shows no signs of fading. We invited DJ Latinchat to present a one-hour mix that captures their vision of Latin American club music.
Based in Berlin, this Peruvian musician/producer/DJ has curated a fresh mix set for us, featuring recent favorite tracks from Latin American producers, as well as several unreleased pieces of their own. "In comparison to other mixes that I have recorded for radio, this one is more dance floor oriented, although it still leaves space for experimentation," they explained.
This mix set is truly tear-inducing, "The styles are quite diverse, but most of the music can be loosely grouped under what has been recently described as 'Latin Club': dance floor oriented Electronic music influenced by Latin rhythms such as Reggaeton, Cumbia, Merengue, Salsa and more."
The perfect cover for this comes from the graphic design duo MENSLIES! YKK and DJ TRUCK also admire this emerging Latin talent, noting, "Their Dembow Riddim has a psychedelic flavor, with a contemplative, somewhat dark yet energetic vibe."

DJ Latinchat 的作品融合了迷幻和多重节奏的打击乐模式,与氛围音乐元素、深邃的贝斯线和催眠般的合成音色相互交织。ta 将加勒比和拉丁美洲的节奏,如 Dancehall、昆比亚、雷击顿、萨尔萨和非裔秘鲁 Festejo 音乐,融入氛围、Techno、Krautrock 和 UK Bass 等欧美当代电子音乐当中。其作品已发表于 NAAFI、No Future Berlin、Basy Tropikalne、Lacuna 和 Love in the Endz等厂牌。
DJ Latinchat is a Peruvian musician, producer and DJ based in Berlin. Their productions overlay syncopated and polyrhythmic percussive patterns with ambient pads and textures, deep bass lines and hypnotic synths, combining influences from Caribbean and Latin American rhythms like Dancehall, Cumbia, Reggaeton, Salsa and Festejo with elements from Ambient, Techno, Kosmische Musik and UK Bass.
DJ Latinchat tracks have been released by labels like NAAFI, No Future Berlin, Basy Tropikalne, Lacuna and Love in the Endz.
DJ Latinchat is a Peruvian musician, producer and DJ based in Berlin. Their productions overlay syncopated and polyrhythmic percussive patterns with ambient pads and textures, deep bass lines and hypnotic synths, combining influences from Caribbean and Latin American rhythms like Dancehall, Cumbia, Reggaeton, Salsa and Festejo with elements from Ambient, Techno, Kosmische Musik and UK Bass.
DJ Latinchat tracks have been released by labels like NAAFI, No Future Berlin, Basy Tropikalne, Lacuna and Love in the Endz.
01 Eisebelle - how to disappear completely
02 Lila Tirando a Violeta & Loris - Caminos del Deseo
03 Undrwght - Bifröst
04 DJ Latinchat - Keribel
05 Nick León & Merca Bae - Modor
06 Ruido con H - Oye
07 Entrañas - HECHO FUNDA
08 DJ Latinchat - Es un secreto 140 tool (unreleased)
09 Jaijiu - alfonso luna culto
10 El Irreal Veintiuno - Barrio
02 Lila Tirando a Violeta & Loris - Caminos del Deseo
03 Undrwght - Bifröst
04 DJ Latinchat - Keribel
05 Nick León & Merca Bae - Modor
06 Ruido con H - Oye
07 Entrañas - HECHO FUNDA
08 DJ Latinchat - Es un secreto 140 tool (unreleased)
09 Jaijiu - alfonso luna culto
10 El Irreal Veintiuno - Barrio
11 BNYI - bien espacial
12 Ruido con H - El Clásico
13 Gugol Maps - Ni de acá ni de allá (DJ Latinchat remix) (unreleased)
14 Siete Catorce - Aguachile
15 DJ Latinchat - Místico Divino (unreleased)
16 Entrañas x Selvagia - Inibiguini (unreleased)
17 Los Hijos de Lamas - Mix Hijos (DNGDNGDNG Bombocore Edit)
18 DJ Latinchat - ??? (unreleased)
19 FRECH x Kiana - AN4L CVNT
20 Nafftero - Kemabocha
12 Ruido con H - El Clásico
13 Gugol Maps - Ni de acá ni de allá (DJ Latinchat remix) (unreleased)
14 Siete Catorce - Aguachile
15 DJ Latinchat - Místico Divino (unreleased)
16 Entrañas x Selvagia - Inibiguini (unreleased)
17 Los Hijos de Lamas - Mix Hijos (DNGDNGDNG Bombocore Edit)
18 DJ Latinchat - ??? (unreleased)
19 FRECH x Kiana - AN4L CVNT
20 Nafftero - Kemabocha
Cover Art by MENSLIES