3RRR FM 电台主持人 Charlie Miller 精选的100%澳洲新声
Frantic Items — New Australian Music Exchange
03.11 2024

在龙年开端我们将开启新企划 Shy People Catalog,专门用来收编电子音乐世界的方方面面。还记得 10000 报道过的日本东京的电子音乐地图吗?现在城市目录特辑第二档之墨尔本正在制作中啦。率先邀请墨尔本 3RRR FM 电台音乐节目“Frantic Items”的主持人朋友 Charlie Miller 来预热一下!他挑选了整整两小时的澳洲各种新音乐。现在,请把音量调大,开听!
“目前来自澳大利亚的音乐如此之多,我需要更多的时间来涵盖所有令我兴奋的音乐家,所以这个混音只是一个开始。我没有专注于特定的场景或城市,对个人而言最重要的是每首曲目之间的流动感,弄清楚如何将不同的风格编织在一起。 几乎每一位艺术家都是独立地下乐队的重要成员,Tkay Maidza 是其中的例外,她现居洛杉矶并在国际上享有盛誉,其现场表演也非常有趣!大力赞扬 Sleep D,我就是在他们的优秀厂牌 Butter Sessions 的唱片售卖活动上认识了 Shy People 的 10000。” —— Charlie Miller
We will launch a new project, Shy People Catalog, dedicated to collecting every aspect of the electronic music world. Do you remember the Electronic music map of Tokyo we reported before COVID? Now, the second issue featuring the city special of Melbourne is currently in production. To kick things off, we have invited Charlie Miller, the host of the “Frantic Items” program on Melbourne's 3RRR FM. He has curated a full two hours of various new Australian music. Now, turn up the volume and let's listen!
“There is so much amazing music coming out of Australia at the moment that I need many more hours to cover all the musicians that I am excited about, so this mix is just the beginning. I haven’t focused on a particular scene or city, most important to me was the flow between each track, figuring out how to weave together the varied styles. Almost every artist is a valuable member of the independent underground, with the notbale exception of Tkay Maidza, who is now based in Los Angeles and developing a strong international reputation, her live shows are so much fun too! Big shout out to Sleep D. The record sale for their excellent label Butter Sessions is where I met Evan aka 10000 from Shy People in Melbourne.” - Charlie Miller

“大家好,我是 Charlie Miller,从十几岁起就一直是一个痴迷的听众,大约十年前开始在学生广播电台工作。我现在每周日下午6点在墨尔本的 3RRR FM 上播出一档名为 Frantic Items 的广播节目。它已经进行了两年,特别关注来自世界各地的新音乐。我经常在节目中采访来自音乐界的嘉宾,今年夏天能听到 Shy People 制作的(中国独立)音乐选辑真的是很棒。在厨房或汽车里收听节目必须要拧大音量啊!”
Hi, this is Charlie Miller, I started out in student radio almost ten years ago and I have been an obsessive listener since I was a teenager. I present a radio show called Frantic Items each Sunday at 6pm on 3RRR FM in Melbourne, Australia. The show has been running for two years, particularly focused on new music from around the world. I often have guest interviews on the show from the world of music and it was special to have a mix from Shy People this Summer. The radio must always be switched on loud in the kitchen or car stereo!
Get in touch at franticitems(at)gmail.com if you have any questions about the music in the mix :)
Hi, this is Charlie Miller, I started out in student radio almost ten years ago and I have been an obsessive listener since I was a teenager. I present a radio show called Frantic Items each Sunday at 6pm on 3RRR FM in Melbourne, Australia. The show has been running for two years, particularly focused on new music from around the world. I often have guest interviews on the show from the world of music and it was special to have a mix from Shy People this Summer. The radio must always be switched on loud in the kitchen or car stereo!
Get in touch at franticitems(at)gmail.com if you have any questions about the music in the mix :)
01 DJ Plead - Skittles
02 RBI - It's Raining On The Mandarin Tree
03 Sleep D - Punch Drunk (feat. YL Hooi)
04 Cousin - Disting
05 Nice Girl - Take Me Home
06 Alex Albrecht - Minak Reserve
07 Acopia - We Evolve
08 Birdsnake - Phlusta
09 J. McFarlane's Reality Guest - Youtube Trip
10 Dregs - Guilt Garden
11 Kallista Kult - The Earth Did A Line
12 Vanessa Worm - Title Not Known
13 Strict Face - Citrus Snaps
14 Big Skeez - Up
02 RBI - It's Raining On The Mandarin Tree
03 Sleep D - Punch Drunk (feat. YL Hooi)
04 Cousin - Disting
05 Nice Girl - Take Me Home
06 Alex Albrecht - Minak Reserve
07 Acopia - We Evolve
08 Birdsnake - Phlusta
09 J. McFarlane's Reality Guest - Youtube Trip
10 Dregs - Guilt Garden
11 Kallista Kult - The Earth Did A Line
12 Vanessa Worm - Title Not Known
13 Strict Face - Citrus Snaps
14 Big Skeez - Up
15 Heni - dnd
16 ZK king 劉 - Heart throbs
17 Maina Doe - Let Her Be
18 Tkay Maidza - Out Of Luck (feat. Lolo Zouaï & Amber Mark)
19 1300 - Undercover (feat. Qim Isle)
20 Guild - Gimme Ur Love
21 Maggie Tra - Accept It
22 Armlock - Two Shots
23 Dianas - Vision
24 Summer Flake - Barnacle Bill
25 Collarbones - Lack
26 Nū - Night Time
27 Sandy Hsu - I've Spent My Whole Life Dreaming
16 ZK king 劉 - Heart throbs
17 Maina Doe - Let Her Be
18 Tkay Maidza - Out Of Luck (feat. Lolo Zouaï & Amber Mark)
19 1300 - Undercover (feat. Qim Isle)
20 Guild - Gimme Ur Love
21 Maggie Tra - Accept It
22 Armlock - Two Shots
23 Dianas - Vision
24 Summer Flake - Barnacle Bill
25 Collarbones - Lack
26 Nū - Night Time
27 Sandy Hsu - I've Spent My Whole Life Dreaming

Art Work by 10000 & unkown street artists in Melbourne
Found image from an old book of 80s - Small Creatures of the Australian Wilderness
Found image from an old book of 80s - Small Creatures of the Australian Wilderness
📝 关于 3RRR
一家完全独立的非营利性社区广播电台,塑造并启发了墨尔本的本地文化。成立于1976年,被定义为 “合理利用社区资源来进行教育、通告和娱乐。开发一种批判性的方法来对待当代文化。” 其音乐节目涵盖了从流行到朋克摇滚、从 R&B 和电子到爵士、嘻哈、乡村和金属的各种流派;谈话类节目则深入探讨环境、人权、政治、医疗问题、园艺、文化企业和当地利益等各种主题。前后两种节目占比大约为 70% 和 30%。Triple R 表演空间于 2009 年正式开业,举办音乐演出、喜剧表演、戏剧和文学活动等等。
一家完全独立的非营利性社区广播电台,塑造并启发了墨尔本的本地文化。成立于1976年,被定义为 “合理利用社区资源来进行教育、通告和娱乐。开发一种批判性的方法来对待当代文化。” 其音乐节目涵盖了从流行到朋克摇滚、从 R&B 和电子到爵士、嘻哈、乡村和金属的各种流派;谈话类节目则深入探讨环境、人权、政治、医疗问题、园艺、文化企业和当地利益等各种主题。前后两种节目占比大约为 70% 和 30%。Triple R 表演空间于 2009 年正式开业,举办音乐演出、喜剧表演、戏剧和文学活动等等。