Shy People Night Out in Shanghai
07.27 2024
@ Wigwam Shanghai

Heim 的结业勾起我们不少发生在地下俱乐部空间中的温暖回忆。借着来沪向这个“家”告别,Shy People 顺道邀约 DJ 友人在 Wigwam 做一个主打友情牌的派对:
Shy People Night Out 🐶 🐱 🐶 🐱
7月27日,音乐活动厂牌 BOUNCY BOUNCY 主理人 echocatcher,水肺/合成迷恋系列派对创办者 Illsee,穿行各家地下俱乐部的疯狂 DJ chuan,与 Shy People 主持 10000 在可跳可躺可坐的 Wigwam 各玩各的拿手好戏! 可爱、高冷、nerdy、热情、捉摸不透、敏感、沉着、矛盾,我们欣赏不同的音乐性情,只要这些声音是冒险又具备创造性的。
The time spent with friends is always the most wonderful. Heim's closing has brought back many warm memories from our times in the underground club space. As we say goodbye to this “home” while visiting Shanghai, Shy People is inviting DJ friends to host a party at Wigwam with a focus on friendship. Friends can continue to gather offline, play their favorite recent tunes, and chat about anything.
On July 27th, join us at Wigwam where you can dance, lounge, or sit for a night of diverse musical performances featuring:
- echocatcher, the founder of the music label BOUNCY BOUNCY
- Illsee, the creator of the Scuba/Synth Obsession party series
- chuan, the wild DJ who roams through various underground clubs
- 10000, the one-man band behind Shy People
Whether cute, aloof, nerdy, passionate, elusive, sensitive, calm, or contradictory, we appreciate different musical personalities as long as these sounds are adventurous and creative.

我们在 Heim 做过的三场派对( Xia Ye 那场至今还是我们做过的活动里的票房酒水销冠)
We fondly remember the three fantastic parties Shy People held at Heim, with the Xia Ye event still being the highest in ticket sales and bar revenue among all the events we’ve ever organized.

chuan [DJ, 21-22:30]
兴趣爱好是播放制作精良的可爱音乐。虽然每天都在抱怨放歌好难,却从来也没停下来过。在他的 DJ set 中, 你可能会听到一些受美国黑人舞曲和牙买加 soundsystem 文化影响的音乐。在 All 和 Elevator 厮混的无数个夜晚给了他很多关于控制声音和控制舞池的经验,亲朋好友的信任也让他精神强健。现在的他坚信好声音理应真诚,且在技术上无比卓越,他也努力在 set 里做到这点。
最近他的未发行单曲得到了 Jacques Greene, object blue 和 Akanbi 等一众明星的支持,其中一首和 3ASiC 的合作曲马上将由 3024 发行,他觉得应该在 bio 里提一下!
Serial shitposter, self-proclaimed producer/deejay and music nerd, chuan makes and plays tunes inspired by Shanghai's kaleidoscopic scene and his attention-deficit zoomer brain. You might see him in BAIHUI radio’s studio maintaining Shanghai’s connection with global underground or playing warmup sets for your favorite big name deejays sometimes. Even though he hasn’t released anything yet, his tunes have already been played by his excellent deejay friends! Physical Therapy, Jacques Greene, object blue, the list goes on and on and on and on and…
兴趣爱好是播放制作精良的可爱音乐。虽然每天都在抱怨放歌好难,却从来也没停下来过。在他的 DJ set 中, 你可能会听到一些受美国黑人舞曲和牙买加 soundsystem 文化影响的音乐。在 All 和 Elevator 厮混的无数个夜晚给了他很多关于控制声音和控制舞池的经验,亲朋好友的信任也让他精神强健。现在的他坚信好声音理应真诚,且在技术上无比卓越,他也努力在 set 里做到这点。
最近他的未发行单曲得到了 Jacques Greene, object blue 和 Akanbi 等一众明星的支持,其中一首和 3ASiC 的合作曲马上将由 3024 发行,他觉得应该在 bio 里提一下!
Serial shitposter, self-proclaimed producer/deejay and music nerd, chuan makes and plays tunes inspired by Shanghai's kaleidoscopic scene and his attention-deficit zoomer brain. You might see him in BAIHUI radio’s studio maintaining Shanghai’s connection with global underground or playing warmup sets for your favorite big name deejays sometimes. Even though he hasn’t released anything yet, his tunes have already been played by his excellent deejay friends! Physical Therapy, Jacques Greene, object blue, the list goes on and on and on and on and…

echocatcher [DJ,
来自上海的多线创意人 —— DJ & Promoter、平面设计师 & 艺术指导、音乐活动厂牌 BOUNCY BOUNCY 的主理人和上海黑胶小酒馆 ANDet 的创始人之一。自 2019 年起,echocatcher 便开始建立上海本地音乐社群,并在俱乐部进行着创意视觉设计和活动策划的工作。曾经在德国与英国的艺术留学经历让她拥有了多语境融合的观感,创意和音乐已经成为了她生活中无可替代的“感知味蕾”。
在伦敦深受多元音乐环境以及英式低音舞曲的深远影响,2021 年创办了音乐厂牌 BOUNCY BOUNCY 。以世界为舞台,BOUNCY BOUNCY 的月度俱乐部活动接连邀请了 Dubrunner (UK), Liquid Earth (US), Tom VR (UK), Interstellar Funk (NL), Moopie (AU), Danielle (UK), Stones Taro (JP) 等国际音乐人。同时,echocatcher 在 BAIHUI 电台也主持着月度节目。2022 年,热爱收藏黑胶唱片的 echocatcher 连结美食、美酒多元领域的朋友们在上海创立了黑胶小酒馆 ANDet。她积极推动着音乐文化并不定期在 ANDet 举办黑胶唱片的音乐活动。分享即浪漫。
echocatcher is a multi-disciplinary creative based in Shanghai, China - a DJ and organiser, a graphic designer and creative director, the founder of BOUNCY BOUNCY, co-founder & music director of ANDet vinyl bistro Shanghai.
Be lit by a passion for music and inspired by the simple, direct, loving community and culture in the UK, echocatcher is focusing on UK inspired electronic dance music scene, expecting her to show you the variety and deepness from UK Garage, Bass Music, Breakbeat to Techno and more, she prefer to play with multi genres. Her knowledge and respect for underground cultures and music hope to shine through as a direct influence to the community. She believes SHARING IS CARING, playful is the key.
来自上海的多线创意人 —— DJ & Promoter、平面设计师 & 艺术指导、音乐活动厂牌 BOUNCY BOUNCY 的主理人和上海黑胶小酒馆 ANDet 的创始人之一。自 2019 年起,echocatcher 便开始建立上海本地音乐社群,并在俱乐部进行着创意视觉设计和活动策划的工作。曾经在德国与英国的艺术留学经历让她拥有了多语境融合的观感,创意和音乐已经成为了她生活中无可替代的“感知味蕾”。
在伦敦深受多元音乐环境以及英式低音舞曲的深远影响,2021 年创办了音乐厂牌 BOUNCY BOUNCY 。以世界为舞台,BOUNCY BOUNCY 的月度俱乐部活动接连邀请了 Dubrunner (UK), Liquid Earth (US), Tom VR (UK), Interstellar Funk (NL), Moopie (AU), Danielle (UK), Stones Taro (JP) 等国际音乐人。同时,echocatcher 在 BAIHUI 电台也主持着月度节目。2022 年,热爱收藏黑胶唱片的 echocatcher 连结美食、美酒多元领域的朋友们在上海创立了黑胶小酒馆 ANDet。她积极推动着音乐文化并不定期在 ANDet 举办黑胶唱片的音乐活动。分享即浪漫。
echocatcher is a multi-disciplinary creative based in Shanghai, China - a DJ and organiser, a graphic designer and creative director, the founder of BOUNCY BOUNCY, co-founder & music director of ANDet vinyl bistro Shanghai.
Be lit by a passion for music and inspired by the simple, direct, loving community and culture in the UK, echocatcher is focusing on UK inspired electronic dance music scene, expecting her to show you the variety and deepness from UK Garage, Bass Music, Breakbeat to Techno and more, she prefer to play with multi genres. Her knowledge and respect for underground cultures and music hope to shine through as a direct influence to the community. She believes SHARING IS CARING, playful is the key.

10000 [DJ,
装载调停者的好奇心,音乐厂牌/文化平台“Shy People”幕后舵手10000,以音乐灵光为指南针,航行于锐舞银河的恩典之中。
Loaded with the curiosity of a mediator, 10000, the silent helmsman behind the music label/cultural platform Shy People, is guided by flickering musical illumination and navigates through the grace of the dance galaxy.
装载调停者的好奇心,音乐厂牌/文化平台“Shy People”幕后舵手10000,以音乐灵光为指南针,航行于锐舞银河的恩典之中。
Loaded with the curiosity of a mediator, 10000, the silent helmsman behind the music label/cultural platform Shy People, is guided by flickering musical illumination and navigates through the grace of the dance galaxy.

Illsee [DJ,
多年来,她和 Tzusing 一起运营着斯德哥尔摩综合症(Stockholm Syndrome),从 Shelter 老巢一路走来,请来了 Beau Wanzer, Container, Shawn O’Sullivan, AN-i, Philip Berg, Das Ding, Phuong Dan, Lena Willikens 等艺人。她现在还运营着 Aqualung 水肺系列派对,致力于推广重型实验 Machine-Funk 音乐,曾邀请 Drvg Cvltvre, Umwelt, Abelle, E-Saggila, MANASYt, Parrish Smith 等艺人来到中国演出。此外,她也与 Velvet Robot 一同举办偏爱播放70年代至今的新浪潮/冷潮/暗潮/工业音乐等等的系列派对 Synth Crush (合成迷恋),至今已经是第十个年头。
Illsee, scientific name 老慢, is an upright-walking primate, born and raised in the easternmost city of the Yangtze River Delta, Shanghai. She is known for her skill at using popular and non-mainstream music from the 80s to the present day to express herself, exchange ideas and organize with other primates.
Heavily influenced by 80s industrial, EBM, minimal wave and darkwave, for many years she and Tzusing have run the party Stockholm Syndrome together, moving from Shelter to ALL Club and inviting guests including Beau Wanzer, Container, Shawn O’Sullivan, AN-i, Philip Berg, Das Ding, Lena Willikens, Phuong Dan and more. More recently, she established the party Aqualung with Void resident Provoda, dedicated to promoting heavy-duty experimental Machine-Funk and techno through guests such as Drvg Cvltvre, Umwelt, Abelle, E-Saggila, MANASYt and Parrish Smith. She also runs Synth Crush with Velvet Robot, dedicated to new wave/cold wave/dark wave/industrial music from the 70s to the present. This is now its tenth year.
多年来,她和 Tzusing 一起运营着斯德哥尔摩综合症(Stockholm Syndrome),从 Shelter 老巢一路走来,请来了 Beau Wanzer, Container, Shawn O’Sullivan, AN-i, Philip Berg, Das Ding, Phuong Dan, Lena Willikens 等艺人。她现在还运营着 Aqualung 水肺系列派对,致力于推广重型实验 Machine-Funk 音乐,曾邀请 Drvg Cvltvre, Umwelt, Abelle, E-Saggila, MANASYt, Parrish Smith 等艺人来到中国演出。此外,她也与 Velvet Robot 一同举办偏爱播放70年代至今的新浪潮/冷潮/暗潮/工业音乐等等的系列派对 Synth Crush (合成迷恋),至今已经是第十个年头。
Illsee, scientific name 老慢, is an upright-walking primate, born and raised in the easternmost city of the Yangtze River Delta, Shanghai. She is known for her skill at using popular and non-mainstream music from the 80s to the present day to express herself, exchange ideas and organize with other primates.
Heavily influenced by 80s industrial, EBM, minimal wave and darkwave, for many years she and Tzusing have run the party Stockholm Syndrome together, moving from Shelter to ALL Club and inviting guests including Beau Wanzer, Container, Shawn O’Sullivan, AN-i, Philip Berg, Das Ding, Lena Willikens, Phuong Dan and more. More recently, she established the party Aqualung with Void resident Provoda, dedicated to promoting heavy-duty experimental Machine-Funk and techno through guests such as Drvg Cvltvre, Umwelt, Abelle, E-Saggila, MANASYt and Parrish Smith. She also runs Synth Crush with Velvet Robot, dedicated to new wave/cold wave/dark wave/industrial music from the 70s to the present. This is now its tenth year.
SeventyMaos [Poster Designer]
DJ 身份之外,她是一名业余平面设计师和自创服装品牌 UNICONIC 主理人,请大家多多关注 (。ì _ í。)
In addition to being a DJ, SeventyMaos is also an amateur graphic designer and the founder of the clothing brand UNICONIC. Please give her your support and attention.
DJ 身份之外,她是一名业余平面设计师和自创服装品牌 UNICONIC 主理人,请大家多多关注 (。ì _ í。)
In addition to being a DJ, SeventyMaos is also an amateur graphic designer and the founder of the clothing brand UNICONIC. Please give her your support and attention.

Shy People 的欢乐派对之旅,始于2019年12月17日的北京将台路 Wigwam。感谢 Wigwam 一直以来对我们的支持!这回也是 Shy People 首次到上海 Wigwam,欢迎和朋友来听来跳来躺来坐来聊来玩!
The Opposite of Loneliness.
上海长宁区昭化路658号 C.park LG 层
The Opposite of Loneliness.
上海长宁区昭化路658号 C.park LG 层