●   Shy People Label's Latest Release: Club Sound from 444theGod  
●   MENSLIES — Archive 2024 
●    Tego Gratos — Soul Painter for the Shy People 5 Anniversary 
●    Zhang An — Photography of Nanjing
●    RA’s The Art of DJing: CCL (Chinese Translation)
●    GINKO’s Favorite Ten Heim Party Posters
●    Wild Party Underground on Artificial Island, Shot by Guo Yiming
●    The Poster History of United Lakes
●    Posters from SeventyMaos
●    23 Best Albums of 2023
●    MENSLIES Long Archive 22-23
●    Yu Su Interview
●    zus
●    Jialin Yan
●    Guangzhou Illustrator DADA
●    boihugo 
●    Skater&Room
●    MENSLIES 20-21
●    A Brief Introduction to Trans
●    Record Stores in Tokyo
●    Queer Nightlife as Aesthetic Emancipation Shanghai & Beijing
●    What’s This Music Genre Hyperpop? 
●    How Architecture Transforms the Clubbing Experience
Still Life by Little Box


Who is 444theGod? 
10000 - A Voyage to a Multidimensional Utopia of Sound 
I'm a Car, statement made by jan Sile 
DJ Latinchat - Latin Wha
zj☻'s Inner Rage
May Impressions by Sanyo
Contemporary Vietnamese Music Mix by ephemeral objects
New Australian Music Exchange Selected by Frantic Items
Flower Boy
Latin Dreams by 10000 
MoKeLun (Mixtape)
Self-introduction by Run! Rabbit Run!
100th Shy People Mix by knopha
Shy People 3rd Anniversary w Juan Plus One 
10000 @ OIL 
Sounds of 2022
Pigtail 6/7 
Night Swimmer on NTS 
Otherworldly Summer 

Sounds of 2021
Sounds of 2020 by Aunty Chen Sounds of 2020 by DJ 10000


3.1 Beauty As Superpower w/ Bored Lord 

11.02 Shy People “Halloween” Night Out: Evil Spell of Flame Mountain @ Riff 
10.26 Shy People 5th Anniversary Party w/ Ciel @ .TAG
10.19 Shy People 5th Anniversary Party w/ Umru @ Zhao Dai

7.27 Shy People Night Out @ Wigwam Shanghai 
07.12 Moktar’s Neverland @ Zhao Dai Beijing 
06.14 New World Coven w/ Kiss Nuka 
05.31 Shy People Showcase @ Zhao Dai on Leave 2024 
Yu Su & Knopha 
10.27 Halloween Eve for Shy People
Travelling Without Moving
09.29 Shy People Label Night
Shy People w/ KID FRESINO
Chūn Yóu Festival
害羞的人 3rd Anniversary Party
Girl Rave


●    同名音乐厂牌挖掘基于中国人视角的电子音乐, 从中寻求偏安世界一隅的我们和当下时代的共鸣。

●    The music label Shy People explores electronic music from a Chinese perspective, seeking a resonance between us, who are situated in any corner of the world, and the current era.

●    音楽レーベルShy Peopleは、中国の視点に基づく電子音楽を掘り下げ、世界の片隅にいる私たちと現在の時代との共鳴を探求します。

Oxygen Activation by 444theGod ✨
Xia Ye by Night Swimmer
Versus RUI HO & Ciel 


abC Shanghai 2023
5 New Publications 2022 
Publication Catalog
5 New Publications 05.2022 
John Cage Mushroom


●    文化平台 / 音乐厂牌 / 线上商店 “害羞的人” 在高速发展的当下中国,热衷探索文化与生活方式的可能性,并致力于其体验场景的建构。

●    Born out of a passion for exploration, Shy People is a cultural platform, music label and webshop that creates experiences designed to demonstrate the limitless possibilities of culture & lifestyle in China.

●  「シャイ・ピープル」は、急成長する中国における現代生活の多様性を探求し、その体験を表現する芸術文化プラットフォームおよび音楽レーベルです。


𓇽 Say Hi 𓇽 Artist Booking 𓇽 Drop Demo 𓇽 Business Shit



微店 💭


☻ Founded by 10000
in Beijing, China 2019

jan Silen 的碎拍宣言:“我是一辆车。”

jan Silen — I'm a Car

08.13 2024

最近认识了深圳的派对新组织方 Economy Class 联合主理人 Dan,听说他的音乐品味超绝但本人很低调,所以……有请这位化名 jan Silen 的新朋友:

Recently, I met Dan, the co-founder of Economy Class, a new party label in Shenzhen. I’ve heard that his music taste is exceptional, though he himself is quite low-key. So we invited this new friend, who goes by the alias Jan Silen, to make a new set. The cover art was also created by him.


我希望用音乐来捕捉这些东西,用适度的温暖、粗糙、幽默和露骨。我想在冰冷无机的声音中包裹一种温暖,它只因为其中的对比度和简约,通过 Dancehall 和 Reggaeton 节奏中的不对称性而得到加强,再通过 Halftime DnB 的鼓元素被撕成碎片得以存在。若隐若现的 180bpm 创造同时是机械化的和兽性的,你可以随意解释的张力。

当我在商场前看到禁止机动车标志,我意识到我是一辆车。作为交换,在那刻,所有无机物都变成生命。” —— jan Silen 

“I'm in between many identities but some things never changed and it's becoming clearer each day what these things are.

I was hoping to capture them with music, with the right amount of warmth, roughness, humor and explicitness. I wanted there to be a warmth wrapped inside of cold inorganic sounds. It can only exist because of contrast and simplicity, intensified by the asymmetry of dancehall and reggaeton rhythms, and at times torn into small pieces with dnb percussions. The looming 180bpm elements create something robotic and animalistic at the same time, a tension that can be interpreted in any way you'd like.

When I saw the no vehicles sign in front of a mall I realized I was a car. And in exchange, at that moment, all the inorganic objects became lives.” — jan Silen

来自论文电影和平面设计背景,jan Silen 将电影的要素分解为声音、平面视觉和文字三种介质,并重新思考每一种组合的可能性。数字媒介承载他在无边缘空间、城市生活、互联网生活三种场景下的体验和思考,由于心理疾病史获得的特殊视角和想象力,将这些信息构成朦胧的叙述性片段。jan Silen 的作品以语言作为具象核心,通过对诗和文字的解构形成剧本编排对应的声音和视觉,以电子音乐、视频、现场演出和 DJ 的形式呈现。

With a background in filmmaking and graphic design, jan Silen breaks down the fundamentals of cinema into sound, visual, and text to rethink the possibilities of each combination. He uses digital media as a platform to store his experiences and thoughts under three settings: the infinite space, urban life and the Internet. Unique perspectives and imaginations gained from his fight against mental illness form these data into fragmented narratives. Language as a concrete element is essential to jan Silen's work. Through the deconstruction of poetry and text, a script is formed to choreograph the corresponding audio and visual. The results are presented in the format of electronic music, videos, live performances and DJ sets.

01 jobfit - Mono Incomm
02 Leo James - Rivers
03 DJ Ojo - Sprung Out
04 Flytipper - Shevek's Theory
05 Ayesha - Swim
06 NirBorna - Whole Roar
07 96 Back & Henzo - Webcam Brunch
08 Low Jack - Dinner
09 Sputnik One - Overtime
10 Ma Sha - Psyspi
11 Pearson Sound - XLB (EYRA's Crudo Version)
12 Sene - La Casa Moment
13 Torei - Kanisuki
14 Diana King - Shy Guy (Dancehall Dub)
15 McGregor - Breath
16 Kouslin - The Beast of Bolsover
17 Praktikal - Missing a Shoe
18 Lukrø; Cardozo - Chiki (Entrañas Remix)
19 First Epoque - Epoque No. 7
20 Everett - Deniable Plausibility
21 Carlos do Complexo, Larinhx & Ebony - SXO
22 Hasan Abou Alam - Shalfata (3Phaz Remix)
23 Air Max '97 - Coriolis
24 Otik - Garuna
25 Naco - Uuun
26 phil in a maze - Shuriken Dub
27 Naco - Re44 (Octoptic Remix)
28 Dome Zero - Gut Rot
29 jobfit - Strike Pneumatic Tension
30 Siete Catorce - Opposite Moon

Cover Art by jan Silen
