COLA REN — Take It Slow
02.02 2024

去年夏天朋友发来信息说广州有个女孩子出了张黑胶 EP 很不错快来听听!但外出演出游玩的我们在出租车上也没太在意。接下来再看到她的名字,就是英国电音厂牌 Wisdom Teeth 老板在 IG 限动上对她的赞赏了。如果你去年没听过 COLA REN《Hailu》,不妨现在找来试试。
“虽然我这个人比较急性子,但我喜欢的很多音乐都是慢慢的,或许这也是一种提醒自己放慢脚步、冷静思考的方式。这个 mix 集合了一些我钟爱的100bpm左右的音乐,希望能够向大家呈现一种慢慢摇摆、穿梭在丛林和宇宙之间的奇妙感觉。” —— COLA REN
COLA REN is a music producer and DJ based in Guangzhou, China, and co-founder of 8square Radio . Her sound is inspired by her inner reflections and experiences traveling the globe. Last summer, she released her first solo EP, "Hailu" under her label AMWAV. This mix "Take It Slow" is the final one before the Chinese new year of 2024, and we hope everyone has a chill holiday during the Spring Festival.
"Although I'm a bit impatient as a person, many of the music pieces I love are slow-paced. Perhaps it's a way to remind myself to slow down and contemplate calmly. This mix brings together some of my favorite tracks at around 100bpm, aiming to present a wonderful sensation of slowly swaying between the jungle and the universe." —— COLA REN

COLA REN 是来⾃中国⼴州的⾳乐制作⼈ / DJ,八平电台创始团队成员。她创作⾳乐的灵感来⾃于对人类的观察,对内⼼的反思和旅行世界的经历。她从⼩接受古典钢琴教育,并且作为摄影师曾活跃在伦敦、洛杉矶、北京和上海等地,后来对通过声⾳媒介讲故事的⽅式产⽣了浓厚的兴趣,从⽽将创作发展到了⾳乐制作和 DJ 上。
2023年春季 COLA REN 创立 AMWAV 厂牌,并于6月1日发行第一张个人 EP 《Hailu》。一经发布,就受到世界各地 DJ 和电台的支持。随后在为期两个月的欧洲巡演之中,她先后登上了 NTS、HÖR、Kiosk Radio 等国际电台,在 Kiosk Radio 的 mixtape 被 Mixmag Asia 选为 2023 Mix of the Year,并作为英国厂牌 Wisdom Teeth 的特邀嘉宾参与录制他们在 Rinse FM 的电台节目。
COLA REN is a music producer and DJ based in Guangzhou, China. Her sound is inspired by her inner reflections and experiences traveling the globe.
2023年春季 COLA REN 创立 AMWAV 厂牌,并于6月1日发行第一张个人 EP 《Hailu》。一经发布,就受到世界各地 DJ 和电台的支持。随后在为期两个月的欧洲巡演之中,她先后登上了 NTS、HÖR、Kiosk Radio 等国际电台,在 Kiosk Radio 的 mixtape 被 Mixmag Asia 选为 2023 Mix of the Year,并作为英国厂牌 Wisdom Teeth 的特邀嘉宾参与录制他们在 Rinse FM 的电台节目。
COLA REN is a music producer and DJ based in Guangzhou, China. Her sound is inspired by her inner reflections and experiences traveling the globe.
COLA REN 首张 EP 《Hailu》是一个关于人类经历的寓言,一个关于社会及其发展的故事。这部由五首各具特色的曲目组成的扩展剧,将传统的亚洲/非洲乐器与现代电子、田野录音和人声融合在一起,深入探讨了意识、灵性、爱和时间的起源。首版300张黑胶唱片发行不到半年即售罄。第二版唱片为12寸绿胶。
Her debut EP ‘Hailu’ is an allegory of the human experience, a story of society and its development up to present day. Blending traditional Asian and African instruments with modern electronics, field recordings, and graceful vocals, this transporting extended play is comprised of five tracks that delve into the origins of consciousness, spirituality, love and time.
Her debut EP ‘Hailu’ is an allegory of the human experience, a story of society and its development up to present day. Blending traditional Asian and African instruments with modern electronics, field recordings, and graceful vocals, this transporting extended play is comprised of five tracks that delve into the origins of consciousness, spirituality, love and time.
01. Bufiman - News From The Treetops
02. Anchorsong - Expo
03. Androo - 2000 & Universe
04. Dzihan & Kamie - Just You And I
05. Puma & The Dolphin - Jungle Futura
06. Reuben Vaun Smith - Deliciosa
07. Whitefield Brothers - Pamukkale
08. Sault - Up All Night
09. DJ Oil - Addis
02. Anchorsong - Expo
03. Androo - 2000 & Universe
04. Dzihan & Kamie - Just You And I
05. Puma & The Dolphin - Jungle Futura
06. Reuben Vaun Smith - Deliciosa
07. Whitefield Brothers - Pamukkale
08. Sault - Up All Night
09. DJ Oil - Addis
10. Gilberto Gil - Maracatu Atomico (Greg Wilson & Derek Kaye Remix)
11. Islandman feat Okay Temiz and Muhlis Berberoğlu - DENİZ ALTI RÜZGARLARI
12. Azu Tiwaline - Luz Azul
13. Harmonious Thelonious - Belloumi
14. Jon Iverson Meets Prins Emanuel, Golden Ivy & Inre Kretsen Grupp - Trumpeto
15. Tomaga - Greetings From The Bitter End
16. Roza Terenzi - Jungle In The City
17. Beesmunt Soundsystem - Yayang
18. Vanishing Twin - Vanishing Twin Syndrome
11. Islandman feat Okay Temiz and Muhlis Berberoğlu - DENİZ ALTI RÜZGARLARI
12. Azu Tiwaline - Luz Azul
13. Harmonious Thelonious - Belloumi
14. Jon Iverson Meets Prins Emanuel, Golden Ivy & Inre Kretsen Grupp - Trumpeto
15. Tomaga - Greetings From The Bitter End
16. Roza Terenzi - Jungle In The City
17. Beesmunt Soundsystem - Yayang
18. Vanishing Twin - Vanishing Twin Syndrome
Cover Photo by COLA REN