Flower Boy — I Am Water
01.17 2024

一名乐迷对音乐的痴迷程度会是什么样子?你可以从 Flower Boy 身上看到——他最大程度地将音乐能量和瞬息万变的精神状态以显著外化的形式表现出来。
从认识他时的成都明堂唱片店刚离职店员身份,到逢人便介绍自己 mix set 的卧室 DJ,再到 AXIS 俱乐部热门派对系列主理和受 Gen Z 同龄人喜欢的 DJ。两年间 Flower Boy 的变化不少,我们也终于等到他投来的新 set,封面刻意找了好友马飞来画画。但这又是一个全新阶段的“他”。
The intensity of a music fan's passion can be seen through someone like Flower Boy – he maximally externalizes the energy of music and the ever-changing mental states in a significant manner.
From the time he left his position as a clerk at the Mintone record store in Chengdu, being a bedroom DJ showcasing his mix sets to everyone he met on streets, to becoming the promoter and resident DJ of the most popular party series at AXIS Club Chengdu, loved by Gen Z peers. Over the span of two years, Flower Boy has undergone significant changes, and we have finally received his new set, with the cover deliberately illustrated by his best friend, Ma Fei. However, this represents a whole new phase of "him".
去年的某个夜晚,我读到 CIFIKA 的一篇采访后在手机屏幕前愣了许久,被她用简单的一句话戳中,久久不能平复。在这个每个瞬间都在流动的世界里,沉下心来体验每个当下就好像将手伸进河中冲洗,去感受每一个不会再重复的触感,或许只有这样稳定真诚的笨拙才能让人真切感受到活着,去让美在心间短暂驻留。 ”
云、雨、雾、露、冰……水的形态千变万化,本质却从未改变;水没有颜色,透过水的光照却被涟漪折射出斑斓的彩。这就是我所追求的,不受容器限制的美,一种静与动的交相辉映,清透如水,绚烂多彩。一直以来很难去给人介绍我是谁,我在播放什么样的音乐,做什么样的事情,因为喜欢的东西太多太杂,所以每次提到这些我就会半开玩笑偷懒说我是嘻哈/流行音乐 DJ,但这其实只是为了让人迅速产生刻板印象的糊弄说法。比起阐释一条河流为什么奔涌,我想我会选择直接跳进去顺着游动,而那些带着答案的强烈情绪自然就会浮现。 以及,不好意思拖了 Shy People 这么久终于准备好一个自己非常满意的 Set 来发,还有就是我超喜欢喝奶茶 ^ ^(也算爱喝水的佐证吧!!)。”
—— Flower Boy
"My body's main components are the sky, seawater, and wind.
One night last year, after reading an interview with CIFIKA, I stared at my phone screen for a long time. She hit me with a simple sentence that resonated deeply and lingered. In this constantly flowing world, sinking into experiencing each moment is like dipping your hand into a river, cleansing, and feeling every touch that will never be repeated. Perhaps only through this stable and sincere clumsiness can one truly feel alive, allowing beauty to briefly linger in the heart.
Clouds, rain, mist, dew, ice... the forms of water are ever-changing, yet its essence remains unchanged. Water has no color, but the light passing through it is refracted into a colorful spectrum by ripples. This is what I pursue – a beauty unrestricted by containers, an interplay of stillness and motion, clear and transparent like water, vibrant and colorful. It has always been difficult for me to introduce myself, to explain what kind of music I play, or what I do because I like so many things. So, every time I bring up these topics, I jokingly take a shortcut and say I'm a Hip-hop/Pop music DJ, but this is just a convenient way to quickly create a stereotype. Instead of explaining why a river rushes, I think I would choose to jump in and swim along, and those strong emotions with answers will naturally emerge. Also, sorry for keeping Shy People waiting for so long. Finally, I'm ready to release a set that I'm very satisfied with, and by the way, I really love drinking milk tea ^ ^ (which can also be considered evidence of loving water!!)." —— Flower Boy

Flower Boy,现居成都,近年来活跃于成都各大场景的 DJ / Promoter,认真不着调的谜样男。除了运营着电台 FlowerBoyRadio 外,还着手组建了创意平台 BlazingStars。作为月亮水瓶的超跳脱存在,他喜爱模糊曲风与场景的界限,随心所欲地剪裁一切流行元素后乱序拼贴,当下的瞬时情绪是他唯一有迹可循的中轴线。他的 Set 流动、另类、反常规,喜好用闪亮悦耳的和弦、粗暴肮脏的底鼓夹杂或说或唱的切片,再经由其本人情绪化筛选后,站在宇宙中心呼唤爱并爆炒一通。他广泛的音乐取向、清奇的脑回路将在互联网上收听到的幽默音乐尽数杂糅于此,意图构建出一个多维并存的空间。
01. Beverly Glenn-Copeland - Ever New
02. Pássaro - O Que O Pássaro Cantou
03. Salamanda - Sun Tickles
04. Knopha / Yu Su - Xiu (宫廷 Version)
05. Asa Tone - River At Work
06. YoungQueenz - 彼岸花 / Higanbana (Instrumental)
08. Sofia Kourtesis - La Perla
09. Sofia Kourtesis - Madres
10. Brijean - Shy Guy
02. Pássaro - O Que O Pássaro Cantou
03. Salamanda - Sun Tickles
04. Knopha / Yu Su - Xiu (宫廷 Version)
05. Asa Tone - River At Work
06. YoungQueenz - 彼岸花 / Higanbana (Instrumental)
08. Sofia Kourtesis - La Perla
09. Sofia Kourtesis - Madres
10. Brijean - Shy Guy
11. Dip in the pool - I
12. Murlo - Elosion
13. 文兆杰 / 林强 - 天狗行空-林强「狗狗」Remix
14. Blood Orange - Best to You
15. yeule - Poison Arrow (HANA Remix)
16. James Blake - I Want You To Know
17. Louke Man - Hyperrealllll
18. 高木正勝 - I Am Water
19. 宇多田ヒカル - 気分じゃないの (Not In The Mood)
20. The Avalanches / Pink Siifu - Always Black
12. Murlo - Elosion
13. 文兆杰 / 林强 - 天狗行空-林强「狗狗」Remix
14. Blood Orange - Best to You
15. yeule - Poison Arrow (HANA Remix)
16. James Blake - I Want You To Know
17. Louke Man - Hyperrealllll
18. 高木正勝 - I Am Water
19. 宇多田ヒカル - 気分じゃないの (Not In The Mood)
20. The Avalanches / Pink Siifu - Always Black
Illustration by 马梓煜 (马飞)