Sanyo — May Impressions (of Chengdu)
05.14 2024

在私底下,大家喊 Sanyo 叫三妞。她是成都人,娇小可爱,为人温和。我们认识十来年,常在舞池相见,从北京 Haze、上海 The Shelter、上海新乐路的老 Elevator,一直跳到成都 .TAG、春游音乐节和北京的招待。
她近年来和好友 YKK 合办了 “团结湖” 系列派对,至今有15场活动,从视觉物料、文案、DJ 人选到现场体验均为超高质量水准。
三妞的 DJ 之路同样成长迅速。她的音乐风格和本人外表,嗯,可以说是很有差异性的,但都让人同样喜爱。期待半个月后的阿那亚招待会再度见面!
In private circles, we affectionately call Sanyo 'San Niu'. She's from Chengdu, petite and adorable, with a gentle demeanor. We've known each other for about a decade, often meeting on dance floors, from Haze in Beijing, The Shelter in Shanghai, old Elevator on Xinle Road in Shanghai, all the way to .TAG and Chun You festival in Chengdu and Zhao Dai in Beijing.
In recent years, she and her good friend YKK have co-organized the "United Lakes" series of parties, totaling 15 events so far, all of which boast super high-quality standards in visual materials, copywriting, DJ choices, and experiences.
Sanyo's journey as a DJ has also been rapid. Her music style and her appearance, well, let's just say they're quite different, but equally lovable. Looking forward to meeting again at the Zhao Dai On Leave in Aranya in half a month!
“这个 mix set 是我五月初的所见所闻所感:每天都会下一阵不大不小的雨,空气里充满湿气和长势迅猛的植物;绿色渗透着五官和心肺;天气阴郁但又充满春天的生机。
“有不同的好友来访,我们可以一遍又遍地分享这里的生活、节奏和美食。重新审视着这座城市和生活的轨迹。” —— Sanyo
“有不同的好友来访,我们可以一遍又遍地分享这里的生活、节奏和美食。重新审视着这座城市和生活的轨迹。” —— Sanyo

"This mix set is a reflection of my experiences in early May: each day brings a brief spell of light rain, the air heavy with moisture and vibrant vegetation; green saturates the senses and fills the lungs; the weather is overcast yet teeming with the vitality of spring.
"Various friends come to visit, and we can repeatedly share the life, rhythm, and cuisine of this place. It's a fresh look at the trajectory of this city and life." — Sanyo

Photos by Sanyo