●   Shy People Label's Latest Release: Club Sound from 444theGod  
●   MENSLIES — Archive 2024 
●    Tego Gratos — Soul Painter for the Shy People 5 Anniversary 
●    Zhang An — Photography of Nanjing
●    RA’s The Art of DJing: CCL (Chinese Translation)
●    GINKO’s Favorite Ten Heim Party Posters
●    Wild Party Underground on Artificial Island, Shot by Guo Yiming
●    The Poster History of United Lakes
●    Posters from SeventyMaos
●    23 Best Albums of 2023
●    MENSLIES Long Archive 22-23
●    Yu Su Interview
●    zus
●    Jialin Yan
●    Guangzhou Illustrator DADA
●    boihugo 
●    Skater&Room
●    MENSLIES 20-21
●    A Brief Introduction to Trans
●    Record Stores in Tokyo
●    Queer Nightlife as Aesthetic Emancipation Shanghai & Beijing
●    What’s This Music Genre Hyperpop? 
●    How Architecture Transforms the Clubbing Experience
Still Life by Little Box


Who is 444theGod? 
10000 - A Voyage to a Multidimensional Utopia of Sound 
I'm a Car, statement made by jan Sile 
DJ Latinchat - Latin Wha
zj☻'s Inner Rage
May Impressions by Sanyo
Contemporary Vietnamese Music Mix by ephemeral objects
New Australian Music Exchange Selected by Frantic Items
Flower Boy
Latin Dreams by 10000 
MoKeLun (Mixtape)
Self-introduction by Run! Rabbit Run!
100th Shy People Mix by knopha
Shy People 3rd Anniversary w Juan Plus One 
10000 @ OIL 
Sounds of 2022
Pigtail 6/7 
Night Swimmer on NTS 
Otherworldly Summer 

Sounds of 2021
Sounds of 2020 by Aunty Chen Sounds of 2020 by DJ 10000


3.1 Beauty As Superpower w/ Bored Lord 

11.02 Shy People “Halloween” Night Out: Evil Spell of Flame Mountain @ Riff 
10.26 Shy People 5th Anniversary Party w/ Ciel @ .TAG
10.19 Shy People 5th Anniversary Party w/ Umru @ Zhao Dai

7.27 Shy People Night Out @ Wigwam Shanghai 
07.12 Moktar’s Neverland @ Zhao Dai Beijing 
06.14 New World Coven w/ Kiss Nuka 
05.31 Shy People Showcase @ Zhao Dai on Leave 2024 
Yu Su & Knopha 
10.27 Halloween Eve for Shy People
Travelling Without Moving
09.29 Shy People Label Night
Shy People w/ KID FRESINO
Chūn Yóu Festival
害羞的人 3rd Anniversary Party
Girl Rave


●    同名音乐厂牌挖掘基于中国人视角的电子音乐, 从中寻求偏安世界一隅的我们和当下时代的共鸣。

●    The music label Shy People explores electronic music from a Chinese perspective, seeking a resonance between us, who are situated in any corner of the world, and the current era.

●    音楽レーベルShy Peopleは、中国の視点に基づく電子音楽を掘り下げ、世界の片隅にいる私たちと現在の時代との共鳴を探求します。

Oxygen Activation by 444theGod ✨
Xia Ye by Night Swimmer
Versus RUI HO & Ciel 


abC Shanghai 2023
5 New Publications 2022 
Publication Catalog
5 New Publications 05.2022 
John Cage Mushroom


●    文化平台 / 音乐厂牌 / 线上商店 “害羞的人” 在高速发展的当下中国,热衷探索文化与生活方式的可能性,并致力于其体验场景的建构。

●    Born out of a passion for exploration, Shy People is a cultural platform, music label and webshop that creates experiences designed to demonstrate the limitless possibilities of culture & lifestyle in China.

●  「シャイ・ピープル」は、急成長する中国における現代生活の多様性を探求し、その体験を表現する芸術文化プラットフォームおよび音楽レーベルです。


𓇽 Say Hi 𓇽 Artist Booking 𓇽 Drop Demo 𓇽 Business Shit



微店 💭


☻ Founded by 10000
in Beijing, China 2019


Night Swimmer — Versus RUI HO & Ciel [Digital]

Remix Maxi-Singles (Digital Format) 10.04-10.25 2022
Download @ Bandcamp

1. Depressionfruit (RUI HO 1000 Trip Remix)
2. Depressionfruit (RUI HO 2000 Rave Remix)
3. Silver Flying (Ciel's Enchanted Forest Dub)

Original singles come from Night Swimmer’s full length album Xia Ye.
All tracks written by He Dengke
Remix by RUI HO (Track 1, 2), Ciel (Track 3)
Executive Producer: 10000
Mastered by Shen Lijia
Artwork by MENSLIES

Published by Shy People


很多人在新冠肆虐的时候经历了精神危机,Night Swimmer 也一样。特殊时期下的人们行动受限,各种娱乐项目和俱乐部活动被迫取消,身心压抑无处释放。

作为一首直接描绘疫情早期爆发时心理受创的曲目,来自专辑《Xia Ye》中的 “忧郁果” 伴随着躁动的节拍,解放 Night Swimmer 所有克制的舞蹈冲动。它传递出寒冷的城市气息,双脚所及之处仿佛因疫情而变得荒凉且冷漠。

“忧郁果” 黑暗而圆润的 4/4 Techno 迷宫节奏,在广东音乐人 RUI HO 的手中被解构成两种气氛截然不同的作品 “1000 Trip Remix” 和 “2000 Rave Remix”,展示出声音情感的多种可能性。原本忧郁的能量被压缩成相异形态的重拍,朝着虚空的夜色尽力挥舞。

专辑中最后一首完成的 “飞来音”,承载着 Night Swimmer 对大自然最温柔的思念和体验。这首即兴作品的灵感来自他2021年在阿那亚海边小型电子音乐节 “招待会” 的参演和游玩经历。其中充满了宛若游丝的中国旋律和呼啸而过的电子声响,通感地回应着他与朋友们在森林舞台中的狂欢和冥想。该曲还致敬了 Pauline Anna Strom 及其喜爱的众多中国传统音乐作曲家。

现在 “飞来音” 交由我们的亚洲骄傲之一 Ciel 重新塑造。让我们期待她是如何以其细腻温柔的情感和美感来打点出全新的声音风景。

从扩大社交距离的连锁反应到人际亲密关系的热情回归,“忧郁果” 与 “飞来音” 在《Xia Ye》中标记下疫情转折点。Night Swimmer 携手 RUI HO 和 Ciel,希望通过这三首混音曲目,向依然无悔热爱这个动荡世界的朋友们致敬。


“Love and dance always triumph over nihilism and depression.”

A lot of people have suffered from the mental breakdowns during the pandemic two years ago. So does Night Swimmer. The whole world was lost in extremism. Clubs shut and festivals closed, it all seemed hopeless, and we had no place to rest this troubled mind.

As a track directly delineating the traumatized state of mind amid early outbreaks of COVID, Depressionfruit, off the album, Xia Ye, unleashed all Night Swimmer's restrained impulse of dancing. Upon its raving beats, some cold city atmosphere is transmitted to the ear and body, a naked panorama of how his living environment turned into a desolate, aloof place as a result of the pandemic.

Its original dark and mellow 4/4 Techno labyrinth is now deconstructed by RUI HO to showcase other possibilities of its sonic sentiments. Melancholy was chipped and chopped into the heavy rhythms of them, leading the original track into the endlessly raving vortex of void.
Another track of Xia Ye, Silver Flying carries some of Night Swimmer’s most tender thoughts and experiences with nature. It was inspired by the euphoric experience he once had in Zhao Dai on Leave 2021, a mini electronic music festival at Bohai Bay. All the raving and meditation in the woods with his friends coalesced into this improvised track brimming with tender Chinese melodies and wuthering synth effects animating winds and lights. The track also pays tribute to Pauline Anna Strom and many classic Chinese traditional music composers he loves.

Now the track is reshaped by Ciel, one of our Asian prides, to convey a whole new soundscape pulsating with her mesmerizing musical creativity and emotional beauty. Look how her music sense filters the music through pulsing and raving techniques.

While Depressionfruit documents social distancing, Silver Flying accentuates the return of love and human contact. Together with RUI HO and Ciel, these three remixes wish to convey care and love for those still full of hope regardless of the mortal troubles confronting them.

RUI HO 是活跃于国内与欧洲电子音乐地下场景中的一名音乐制作人、DJ、歌手。发迹于上海厂牌 Genome 6.66Mbp,首张个人专辑《Lov3 & L1ght》于英国电音名厂 Planet Mu 出版。其音乐个性锋芒显露,但又在 Hyperpop 的爆炸力度中呈现音乐质感的丰富变化和细腻深度。

Shanghai based Chinese artist RUI HO has been making buzzes with heavy and playful DJ sets throughout the European experimental underground scene as well as in China through out the past few years. After releasing a series of EPs on Genome 6.66Mbp and Objects Ltd, their debut album Lov3 & L1ght was released on UK label Planet Mu. Their music boasts of character of Hyperpop, yet meanwhile brims with variational textures and emotional subtlety.

出生于西安的 Ciel,是居住在加拿大多伦多的音乐制作人、DJ、钢琴家和电台主持人。不管是以个人名义发表还是与朋友合作的舞曲作品,风格总是清新脱俗,有着轻盈曼妙的旋律和律动。她在当地创立了关注女性艺术家的音乐会系列 Work in Progress;同时也是跨界活动平台 It's Not U It's Me 的联合创始人;电子音乐厂牌 Parallel Minds 的联合创始人。 她在伦敦的 Rinse FM 主持月度广播节目,并且是国际知名的女性和 LGBTQIA+ DJ 团体 Discwoman 成员。

Ciel is a Xi’an-born and Toronto-based music producer, DJ, and pianist. She is the creator of Work in Progress, a women & LGBTQ-prioritizing concert series in Toronto; a co-founder of the immersive multidisciplinary events platform It’s Not U It’s Me; and a co-owner of Toronto electronic music label Parallel Minds. She hosts a monthly radio show on Rinse FM in London, UK and is a member of the internationally-renowned DJ collective, Discwoman. Her debut EP came out on UK label Peach Discs in 2017 to acclaim. She followed that up with the ‘Hundred Flowers’ EP on London’s Coastal Haze and a 4-tracker on Ghostly International’s sister label, Spectral Sound. Her next record, ‘Trojan Horse’, was released in 2020 on NYC label Thanks for Enlightening Me, and she dropped her 5th EP on the iconic Mister Saturday Night in late 2021. Within that same year she debuted a live PA of all original production at Mutek. Ciel is also a frequent collaborator with other artists. She released her first collaborative EP as Psychedelic Budz with Berlin-based artist D.Tiffany on Planet Euphorique in the the first year of covid-19 lockdowns. Her next collaborative EP with Toronto-based Dan Only as Cloudsteppers came out on X-Kalay Records in 2021 to critical acclaim. In 2022 she had her biggest year releases to date, starting with a collaborative EP with London's Kilig on the much-lauded white label series Unknown Untitled, followed up with her and Priori's first record together as Loopchasers on Pittsburgh's Terrafirm, and finally alongside Ali Berger, they released a 5-tracker via Doc Sleep's label Jacktone in November 2022. Ciel's solo debut LP will be released in 2023. Whether in her own releases or collaborated works of dance music, her production always carries with refreshing melodies and lithe grooves that are easy to get lost in.

2019年开始活跃于武汉的独立电子音乐人 Night Swimmer (本名何登科),以专辑《山水》和《惊流》获得关注。其音乐多情善感,实验拼接中式旋律和90年代摇滚气质,在灵动的采样和电子模拟音色中藏匿惊悚与惆怅。2022年夏天,他在北京厂牌 Shy People 发表酝酿已久的全新专辑《Xia Ye》,并获得 Bandcamp 当日最佳专辑称号。

Grown out of the raw and wild underground music scene in Wuhan, He Dengke (Ethan), a self-learned producer, started his music project as Night Swimmer with two full-length albums, SHAN SHUI and SHOCK RIVER. His music meanders through whimsical samples and animated analog sounds, capturing the juxtapositions of startling thrills, imaginative creatures and tender nostalgia. Essentially a Chinese musician, his music weaves together moments of 90’s Chinese psychedelic rock and fourth world electronic sounds, fully steeped in gossamer-like Chinese melodies, conjuring up an immersive, distant reverie yet still reflecting all personal real-life sentiments. As a further step in his music trajectory, his new album, Xia Ye, released on Shy People in 2022, showcase again his long-fermented ingenuity and spirituality in Electronic music.


An electronic label reflecting Chinese perspectives in a post-COVID-19 landscape. Based in Beijing, China.
