●    GINKO’s Favorite Ten Heim Party Posters  🆕
●    Wild Party Underground on Artificial Island, Shot by Guo Yiming  🆕
●    The Poster History of United Lakes
●    Posters from SeventyMaos
●    23 Best Albums of 2023
●    MENSLIES Long Archive 22-23
●    Yu Su Interview
●    zus
●    Jialin Yan
●    Guangzhou Illustrator DADA
●    boihugo 
●    Skater&Room
●    MENSLIES 20-21
●    A Brief Introduction to Trans
●    Record Stores in Tokyo
●    Queer Nightlife as Aesthetic Emancipation Shanghai & Beijing
●    What’s This Music Genre Hyperpop? 
●    How Architecture Transforms the Clubbing Experience
Still Life by Little Box

混音 MIX

DJ Latinchat - Latin What 🆕
zj☻'s Inner Rage 🆕
May Impressions by Sanyo 🆕 
Contemporary Vietnamese Music Mix by ephemeral objects
New Australian Music Exchange Selected by Frantic Items
Flower Boy
Latin Dreams by 10000 
MoKeLun (Mixtape)
Self-introduction by Run! Rabbit Run!
100th Shy People Mix by knopha
Shy People 3rd Anniversary w Juan Plus One 
10000 @ OIL 
Sounds of 2022
Pigtail 6/7 
Night Swimmer on NTS 
Otherworldly Summer 

Sounds of 2021
Sounds of 2020 by Aunty Chen Sounds of 2020 by DJ 10000


7.27 Shy People Night Out @ Wigwam Shanghai 
07.12 Moktar’s Neverland @ Zhao Dai Beijing 06.14 New World Coven w/ Kiss Nuka
05.31 Shy People Showcase @ Zhao Dai on Leave 2024
Yu Su & Knopha 
10.27 Halloween Eve for Shy People
Travelling Without Moving
09.29 Shy People Label Night
Shy People w/ KID FRESINO
Chūn Yóu Festival
害羞的人 3rd Anniversary Party
Girl Rave


Xia Ye by Night Swimmer
Versus RUI HO & Ciel 


abC Shanghai 2023
5 New Publications 2022 
Publication Catalog
5 New Publications 05.2022 
John Cage Mushroom


●    文化平台 / 音乐厂牌 / 线上商店 “害羞的人” 在高速发展的当下中国,热衷探索文化与生活方式的可能性,并致力于其体验场景的建构。

●    Born out of a passion for exploration, Shy People is a cultural platform, music label and webshop that creates experiences designed to demonstrate the limitless possibilities of culture & lifestyle in China.

●  「シャイ・ピープル」は、急成長する中国における現代生活の多様性を探求し、その体験を表現する芸術文化プラットフォームおよび音楽レーベルです。


𓇽 Say Hi 𓇽 Artist Booking 𓇽 Drop Demo 𓇽 Business Shit



微店 💭


☻ Founded by 10000
in Beijing, China 2019

GINKO 自选的十张最爱 Heim 派对海报

GINKO’s Favorite Ten Heim Party Posters, All Created by Her

07.24 2024
🖊️ 10000

Last night of Heim 07.20 📸 Sokol

你去过上海那家小独栋楼的 Heim 俱乐部吗?Shy People 连续三年在那里做过三回不同感觉的美妙派对——记忆里有一晚250人的 guestlist 来了210人,有凌晨四点免费派发自研狼头形状巧克力曲奇,也有桑拿大厅开张之初的潮热雨夜。 

刚刚庆祝完开业三周年的 Heim,匆匆在上周六结业。我也赶去上海匆匆看了最后一眼。恋恋不舍的本地 DJ 和人群一直闹到周日中午……然后,大家也该 move on 了。

就像两股朝向一致的河流汇合在一起,好的派对和配套的(海报)视觉是不可分开的。我印象里的 Heim,除了身体上感知清爽的院子和昏暗小巧的房间,就是脑海里 GINKO 的绚丽海报。用网络热词来总结也算准确:很 city!

Have you been to Heim Club, the small standalone building in Shanghai? Shy People has hosted three different-feeling wonderful parties there over three consecutive years — I remember one night with a guest list of 250 people, and 210 showed up; there was a giveaway of wolf-shaped chocolate cookies at 4 AM, and the steamy rainy night when the Sauna room first opened.

Just after celebrating its third anniversary, Heim closed its doors last Saturday. I hurried to Shanghai to catch one last glimpse. Local DJs and the crowd danced until Sunday noon... and then everyone had to move on.

Like two converging streams, great parties and the matching (posters) visuals are inseparable. My memory of Heim, aside from the refreshing courtyard and cozy rooms, includes GINKO's vibrant posters in my mind. To sum it up with internet slang brought by Bao Bao Xiong: very city!

十张最爱 Heim 派对海报
°º 由创作者 GINKO 自选 º°

⏫️ 对你来说,去派对玩是怎样的一种体验?


What is the experience of going to parties like for you?

Water signs are prone to gradually getting lost in their own world. Going to parties is an action that breaks this state, while also seeing what my beautiful friends are up to. When immersed in music, thoughts from the day often start swirling in my mind.

↩️ Heim 给你什么感觉?

还蛮珍贵的,我是一个很独的人,但我在 Heim 小院子里认识了很多好朋友,面对他们的时候总是最放松。我很高兴在逐渐熟悉一个城市的初期也拥有 Heim 小家。

How does Heim make you feel?

It's quite special. I'm a solitary person, but I've met many good friends in Heim's small courtyard, and I always feel most relaxed around them. I'm glad to have this little home at the beginning of getting to know a city.

⬇️ 在这里有过什么奇特经历?


Any unique experiences here?

Nothing particularly unique comes to mind. Just snippets of conversations with friends and some standout dance moves in the front row.

🔀 在你过往的设计当中,具像的现代设计物件是常常出现并处于画作当中很重要的位置的,但是你为 Heim 做的设计里似乎反行其道,画了更多抽象的物件/形象。

跟我自己的转变比较有关系。因为讨厌别人问我到底在画画还是做设计,我好像在借海报这个原本就有点 in-between 的媒介,带点叛逆的意思,就是要做一些别人贴不上标签的设计。在这个过程中我也发现了更适合自己的表达方式。

 In your past designs, concrete modern design objects often appeared prominently and played an important role in your artworks. However, in the designs you created for Heim, it seems you've taken a different approach, focusing more on abstract objects/images.

This shift is somewhat related to my own evolution. Because I dislike when people ask me whether I'm painting or designing, it seems like with posters—a medium that's already somewhat in-between—I'm expressing a bit of rebellion by creating designs that defy easy labels. Through this process, I've also discovered a more suitable way to express myself.

⏯️ 在做 Heim 海报的时候你是否有一些专门针对这个俱乐部的构思?

一开始的时候有一些很随机的突发奇想,比如瑞士滑雪度假村的小传单。在一个瑞士滑雪度假村里边,你会住在老派的家庭旅馆。然后他们会在 serve 洲际早餐的时候,在餐盘下边垫上一张这样的黄色油蜡纸。通常是很便宜的印刷店纸张,用着最朴素的字体,上边展示了当地美食风光特产、本地活动信息,也就是今晚的演出,以及消遣碎片时间的数独游戏。
为了严谨,我在 New York Times Games 网站每日更新的数独页面拷贝了一份高阶的数独游戏,还去家附近的打印店用便宜黄色纸将这份海报印了若干份,在活动当天 Heim 的门口派发。
这张海报是所有这些海报作品中最符合我心中 club flyer 概念的海报,虽然它不是在技巧上最精进的。但它很像前互联网时代设计师们使用影印机和简单 photoshop 功能制作的演出传单。

Did you have specific concepts in mind when creating posters for Heim?

Initially, there were some random bursts of inspiration, like a small brochure from a Swiss ski resort. In such resorts, you would stay in quaint family-run hotels. During breakfast, they would serve an international spread, placing a yellow wax paper under the plate. Typically printed cheaply at local print shops using basic fonts, it showcased local cuisine, scenic specialties, local event information like tonight's show, and Sudoku puzzles for leisure time.

For authenticity, I copied an advanced Sudoku game from the New York Times Games website, then printed several copies on cheap yellow paper at a nearby print shop to distribute at Heim's entrance on event day.

This poster, though not the most technically advanced among my works, best embodied the concept of a club flyer in my mind. It resembled the event flyers crafted by designers in the pre-internet era, using photocopiers and basic Photoshop tools.

*️⃣ 正巧这场派对我也在现场(前一晚是 Shy People 的活动),收藏了这张 flyer 实物!

Coincidentally, I was also at this party (the night before Shy People's event), and I have a physical copy of this flyer as a keepsake!

⏸️ 个人私下最喜欢的一张海报是?

最喜欢 Heim 疗养快线的高尔夫小车海报。因为它最在一个“度假”的状态,这是本人的一个私人执念:))

What is your personal favorite poster?

My personal favorite is the golf cart poster for Heim's HAS™. It captures the essence of a "holiday," which is a personal obsession of mine :))

⏹️ 我印象里‘车’的视觉体系在你的 Heim 海报里出现多次,也是我个人觉得最喜欢、最五光十色的一个系列。这个想法是如何飙出来的?

因为想在海报中表达“惊奇”和“千钧一发”,以此强调俱乐部夜晚的速度感和快感,我总会联想到一些不错的乘车驰骋时刻。也因为 Vengo (Heim 联合创始人) 早有“疗养快线”这个概念构想,我就很乐意地接管这趟列车,在每次该系列活动海报中表现一个使用小型度假交通工具的场景。

The visual theme of 'cars' appears multiple times in your Heim posters, and it's my personal favorite and most colorful series. How did this idea come about?

The idea emerged from wanting to convey a sense of "thrill" and "imminent excitement" in the posters, emphasizing the speed and thrill of club nights. I often associate these moments with exhilarating rides in vehicles. Since Vengo (co-founder of Heim) had already conceptualized the "HAS™," I eagerly took charge of this train, showcasing scenes with small vacation vehicles in each poster of this series.

GINKO @ Heim 📸 Yan Yufeng



Graphic designer. After graduating from Central Saint Martins, GINKO has remained in Shanghai for an extended period. Her current work centers around thoughtful graphic design, extending outward to encompass various realms such as brand packaging, event visuals, objects, and environments. Through this work, she aims to engage in sincere and imaginative dialogues with the world.



Shy People Night Out in Shanghai

07.27 2024
@ Wigwam Shanghai


Heim 的结业勾起我们不少发生在地下俱乐部空间中的温暖回忆。借着来沪向这个“家”告别,Shy People 顺道邀约 DJ 友人在 Wigwam 做一个主打友情牌的派对:

Shy People Night Out 🐶 🐱 🐶 🐱


7月27日,音乐活动厂牌 BOUNCY BOUNCY 主理人 echocatcher,水肺/合成迷恋系列派对创办者 Illsee,穿行各家地下俱乐部的疯狂 DJ chuan,与 Shy People 主持 10000 在可跳可躺可坐的 Wigwam 各玩各的拿手好戏! 可爱、高冷、nerdy、热情、捉摸不透、敏感、沉着、矛盾,我们欣赏不同的音乐性情,只要这些声音是冒险又具备创造性的。

The time spent with friends is always the most wonderful. Heim's closing has brought back many warm memories from our times in the underground club space. As we say goodbye to this “home” while visiting Shanghai, Shy People is inviting DJ friends to host a party at Wigwam with a focus on friendship. Friends can continue to gather offline, play their favorite recent tunes, and chat about anything.

On July 27th, join us at Wigwam where you can dance, lounge, or sit for a night of diverse musical performances featuring:
  • echocatcher, the founder of the music label BOUNCY BOUNCY
  • Illsee, the creator of the Scuba/Synth Obsession party series
  • chuan, the wild DJ who roams through various underground clubs
  • 10000, the one-man band behind Shy People

Whether cute, aloof, nerdy, passionate, elusive, sensitive, calm, or contradictory, we appreciate different musical personalities as long as these sounds are adventurous and creative.

Shy People Night Out
7.27 21:00-3:00 @ Wigwam


我们在 Heim 做过的三场派对( Xia Ye 那场至今还是我们做过的活动里的票房酒水销冠)

We fondly remember the three fantastic parties Shy People held at Heim, with the Xia Ye event still being the highest in ticket sales and bar revenue among all the events we’ve ever organized.

chuan [DJ, 21-22:30]

兴趣爱好是播放制作精良的可爱音乐。虽然每天都在抱怨放歌好难,却从来也没停下来过。在他的 DJ set 中, 你可能会听到一些受美国黑人舞曲和牙买加 soundsystem 文化影响的音乐。在 All 和 Elevator 厮混的无数个夜晚给了他很多关于控制声音和控制舞池的经验,亲朋好友的信任也让他精神强健。现在的他坚信好声音理应真诚,且在技术上无比卓越,他也努力在 set 里做到这点。

最近他的未发行单曲得到了 Jacques Greene, object blue 和 Akanbi 等一众明星的支持,其中一首和 3ASiC 的合作曲马上将由 3024 发行,他觉得应该在 bio 里提一下!

Serial shitposter, self-proclaimed producer/deejay and music nerd, chuan makes and plays tunes inspired by Shanghai's kaleidoscopic scene and his attention-deficit zoomer brain. You might see him in BAIHUI radio’s studio maintaining Shanghai’s connection with global underground or playing warmup sets for your favorite big name deejays sometimes. Even though he hasn’t released anything yet, his tunes have already been played by his excellent deejay friends! Physical Therapy, Jacques Greene, object blue, the list goes on and on and on and on and…

echocatcher [DJ, 22:30-0]

来自上海的多线创意人 —— DJ & Promoter、平面设计师 & 艺术指导、音乐活动厂牌 BOUNCY BOUNCY 的主理人和上海黑胶小酒馆 ANDet 的创始人之一。自 2019 年起,echocatcher 便开始建立上海本地音乐社群,并在俱乐部进行着创意视觉设计和活动策划的工作。曾经在德国与英国的艺术留学经历让她拥有了多语境融合的观感,创意和音乐已经成为了她生活中无可替代的“感知味蕾”。

在伦敦深受多元音乐环境以及英式低音舞曲的深远影响,2021 年创办了音乐厂牌 BOUNCY BOUNCY 。以世界为舞台,BOUNCY BOUNCY 的月度俱乐部活动接连邀请了 Dubrunner (UK), Liquid Earth (US), Tom VR (UK), Interstellar Funk (NL), Moopie (AU), Danielle (UK), Stones Taro (JP) 等国际音乐人。同时,echocatcher 在 BAIHUI 电台也主持着月度节目。2022 年,热爱收藏黑胶唱片的 echocatcher 连结美食、美酒多元领域的朋友们在上海创立了黑胶小酒馆 ANDet。她积极推动着音乐文化并不定期在 ANDet 举办黑胶唱片的音乐活动。分享即浪漫。

echocatcher is a multi-disciplinary creative based in Shanghai, China - a DJ and organiser, a graphic designer and creative director, the founder of BOUNCY BOUNCY, co-founder & music director of ANDet vinyl bistro Shanghai.

Be lit by a passion for music and inspired by the simple, direct, loving community and culture in the UK, echocatcher is focusing on UK inspired electronic dance music scene, expecting her to show you the variety and deepness from UK Garage, Bass Music, Breakbeat to Techno and more, she prefer to play with multi genres. Her knowledge and respect for underground cultures and music hope to shine through as a direct influence to the community. She believes SHARING IS CARING, playful is the key.

10000 [DJ, 0-1:30]

装载调停者的好奇心,音乐厂牌/文化平台“Shy People”幕后舵手10000,以音乐灵光为指南针,航行于锐舞银河的恩典之中。

Loaded with the curiosity of a mediator, 10000, the silent helmsman behind the music label/cultural platform Shy People, is guided by flickering musical illumination and navigates through the grace of the dance galaxy.

Illsee [DJ, 1:30-3]


多年来,她和 Tzusing 一起运营着斯德哥尔摩综合症(Stockholm Syndrome),从 Shelter 老巢一路走来,请来了 Beau Wanzer, Container, Shawn O’Sullivan, AN-i, Philip Berg, Das Ding, Phuong Dan, Lena Willikens 等艺人。她现在还运营着 Aqualung 水肺系列派对,致力于推广重型实验 Machine-Funk 音乐,曾邀请 Drvg Cvltvre, Umwelt, Abelle, E-Saggila, MANASYt, Parrish Smith 等艺人来到中国演出。此外,她也与 Velvet Robot 一同举办偏爱播放70年代至今的新浪潮/冷潮/暗潮/工业音乐等等的系列派对 Synth Crush (合成迷恋),至今已经是第十个年头。

Illsee, scientific name 老慢, is an upright-walking primate, born and raised in the easternmost city of the Yangtze River Delta, Shanghai. She is known for her skill at using popular and non-mainstream music from the 80s to the present day to express herself, exchange ideas and organize with other primates. 

Heavily influenced by 80s industrial, EBM, minimal wave and darkwave, for many years she and Tzusing have run the party Stockholm Syndrome together, moving from Shelter to ALL Club and inviting guests including Beau Wanzer, Container, Shawn O’Sullivan, AN-i, Philip Berg, Das Ding, Lena Willikens, Phuong Dan and more. More recently, she established the party Aqualung with Void resident Provoda, dedicated to promoting heavy-duty experimental Machine-Funk and techno through guests such as Drvg Cvltvre, Umwelt, Abelle, E-Saggila, MANASYt and Parrish Smith. She also runs Synth Crush with Velvet Robot, dedicated to new wave/cold wave/dark wave/industrial music from the 70s to the present. This is now its tenth year.

SeventyMaos [Poster Designer]

DJ 身份之外,她是一名业余平面设计师和自创服装品牌 UNICONIC 主理人,请大家多多关注 (。ì _ í。)

In addition to being a DJ, SeventyMaos is also an amateur graphic designer and the founder of the clothing brand UNICONIC. Please give her your support and attention.

Shy People 的欢乐派对之旅,始于2019年12月17日的北京将台路 Wigwam。感谢 Wigwam 一直以来对我们的支持!这回也是 Shy People 首次到上海 Wigwam,欢迎和朋友来听来跳来躺来坐来聊来玩!

The Opposite of Loneliness.

上海长宁区昭化路658号 C.park LG 层


Shy People pres.

永无岛 N3V3R1AND: Moktar

07.12 2024 Start from 22:00
@ Zhao Dai, Beijing

“Past. Future. Now or never.”
Aunty Chen


地球公元2024年,Shy People 推出全新派对系列 “永无岛 N3V3R1AND”,关注并呈现被音乐产业疏忽的地域文化,及其在当下社会数字化生态中的演变和新潜能。

7月12日,限时开放的首场盛夏派对将邀请埃及裔澳洲音乐人兼 DJ Moktar 主持音乐。他完美融合阿拉伯传统打击乐和新派俱乐部舞曲于一体而在近年火速窜红。白族纳西族混血儿陈阿姨将从香港飞赴,联手 Nighttrain2000、Luxixi、10000 用多元的全球节奏助燃现场。


In the wake of the post-pandemic era's surge in artificial intelligence and virtual technology, humanity is compelled to refocus on the fate of the global community. The rapid development of technology is having a profound impact on global interactions and human physical identities. We must rethink, explore, and adapt to the potential future world that may unfold.

In the year 2024 CE on Earth, Shy People launches a new party series titled "永无岛 N3V3R1AND", focusing on and showcasing regional cultures neglected by the music industry, and their evolution and new potentials within the current digital social ecosystem. 

On July 12th, the inaugural summer party, open for a limited time, will feature Egyptian-Australian musician and DJ Moktar, who has rapidly gained popularity in recent years for his perfect blend of traditional Arabic percussion and contemporary club beats. Auntie Chen, of Bai and Naxi heritage, will fly in from Hong Kong to join forces with Nighttrain2000, Luxixi, and 10000, igniting the stage with diverse global rhythms.

Come, aiming for the wormhole, holding our breath, we look forward to transcending to the future Middle Eastern dance floor of this mysterious parallel dimension with you. Through dance, we will share our marvelous human experiences and visions of the future without language barriers.



既不完全属于其中一个, 也不完全属于另一个。


—— Moktar [ 永无岛客席文化官,音乐人兼DJ ]


开罗出生,悉尼郊区长大的 Moktar,父亲曾是埃及管弦乐队指挥,从小耳濡目染中东音乐之美。但年轻的 Moktar 选择组建乐队,苦心创作能被主流电台眷顾和大众认可的作品。

疫情初始,Moktar 因为寻找不到内在创作意义而心灰意冷,打算放弃音乐职业的时候,经纪人做了 Moktar “一直想做但从来没有勇气去做的事情”——偷偷把他的中东打击乐舞曲小样分发了出去。

于是就有了全球地下电子音乐圈中最知名澳洲厂牌 Steel City Dance Disks 签约 Moktar 的转折点。他很快搬家去伦敦大展拳脚,澳洲朋友开始抱怨他每次回澳的演出总是一票难求。去年 Shy People 在户外音乐节 Meredith 亲历其 DJ 表演后,立马锁定他在邀请名单之中。


在 Moktar 的音乐中,你不仅可以听到6、70年代的埃及喜剧节目的采样、阿拉伯语的关键词 “Habibi (爱)”,也穿插听到他弹奏的电吉它、青少年时期喜欢上的嘻哈元素……这些都代表了和 Moktar 有关的不同文化的重要组成部分。


Aunty Chen

来自大理的白族纳西族混血儿。从音乐锐评文章到百会常驻节目,从智能舞曲到热辣拉丁,从恐怖核嘻哈到Voguing下腰音乐,化骨绵掌。作为派对品牌 Vulnerable Club 的联合创始人,此阿姨不是那个慈眉善目的隔壁大姐,是卧薪尝胆在舞池里争夺解释权、顺带给你下个蛊的边疆聂隐娘。




杨仔是科华北路吹出的一粒蒲公英种子。选曲宗旨是聆听至上,古灵精怪。偏爱但不限于IDM, UK Bass, Leftfield Techno, Electro, Breaks, Dub。碎片化的律动编排和忽明忽暗的情绪迸发如同诡计多端的太阳耀斑。从成都到北京,他在场景的浪潮内外寻求自我的混音发声。




装载调停者的好奇心,音乐厂牌/文化平台“Shy People”幕后舵手10000,以音乐灵光为指南针,航行于锐舞银河的恩典之中。

Rafal Dominik

来自波兰华沙的3D 艺术家,本次海报视觉创作者。他最感兴趣的是探索非传统之美、(精英与媚俗的) 流行文化和现实的本质,以及创作独特的视觉故事。这是他首次为中国的派对输出视觉内容。




本活动 Logo 设计者,艺术指导/平面设计师,毕业于耶鲁大学艺术学院,联合创立 Workbyworks 工作室。喜欢生活中有惊喜的设计。

* 永无岛是一个由在场所有人平等建造 的安全空间。我们坚决反对任何针对性别、身体、族裔、种族等方面的歧视言论或行为。如果你感到个人边界被侵犯或需要帮助,请随时向工作人员和保安寻求支援。
N3V3R1AND is a safe space created through the equal efforts of everyone present. We are committed to opposing any form of discrimination based on gender, body, ethnicity, race, or any other aspect. If you feel that your personal boundaries are being violated or if you need assistance, please do not hesitate to ask staff or security for support.

Concept: 10000
Poster Design: Rafał Dominik
Logo Design: Han Gao
AI drawing/Promo Poster: 10000




DJ Latinchat — Latin What

07.09 2024

Shy People 自从去年疯狂挖掘拉丁美洲的新潮音乐,至今狂热不减。我们邀约 DJ Latinchat 用一个小时的混音辑呈现 ta 眼中的拉丁美洲俱乐部音乐的样子。

这位驻扎在柏林的秘鲁音乐家/制作人/ DJ 为我们赶来的新 mix set,收录 ta 近期喜欢的拉丁美洲制作人的原创作品,以及自己多首未发行的作品,“与我为电台录制的其他混音相比,这个更偏向于舞池音乐,尽管仍留有实验的空间。”

不得不说简直是要听哭的程度,“其中大部分音乐可以被宽泛地归类为最近被称为‘拉丁俱乐部(Latin Club)’的风格:受拉丁节奏如雷击顿(或者翻译成雷鬼动?)(Reggaeton)、昆比亚(Cumbia)、梅伦格(Merengue)、萨尔萨(Salsa)等影响的,以舞池为导向的电子音乐。”

同样完美的封面来自平面设计双人组 MENSLIES!YKK 和 DJ TRUCK 也都很喜欢这位拉丁新秀,“ ta 的 Dembow Riddim 比较有迷幻味,意味悠长的感觉,有点黑暗但又很有能量。” 

Shy People has been passionately digging into the latest trends of Latin American music since last year, and the enthusiasm shows no signs of fading. We invited DJ Latinchat to present a one-hour mix that captures their vision of Latin American club music.

Based in Berlin, this Peruvian musician/producer/DJ has curated a fresh mix set for us, featuring recent favorite tracks from Latin American producers, as well as several unreleased pieces of their own. "In comparison to other mixes that I have recorded for radio, this one is more dance floor oriented, although it still leaves space for experimentation," they explained.

This mix set is truly tear-inducing, "The styles are quite diverse, but most of the music can be loosely grouped under what has been recently described as 'Latin Club': dance floor oriented Electronic music influenced by Latin rhythms such as Reggaeton, Cumbia, Merengue, Salsa and more."

The perfect cover for this comes from the graphic design duo MENSLIES! YKK and DJ TRUCK also admire this emerging Latin talent, noting, "Their Dembow Riddim has a psychedelic flavor, with a contemplative, somewhat dark yet energetic vibe."

DJ Latinchat 的作品融合了迷幻和多重节奏的打击乐模式,与氛围音乐元素、深邃的贝斯线和催眠般的合成音色相互交织。ta 将加勒比和拉丁美洲的节奏,如 Dancehall、昆比亚、雷击顿、萨尔萨和非裔秘鲁 Festejo 音乐,融入氛围、Techno、Krautrock 和 UK Bass 等欧美当代电子音乐当中。其作品已发表于 NAAFI、No Future Berlin、Basy Tropikalne、Lacuna 和 Love in the Endz等厂牌。

DJ Latinchat is a Peruvian musician, producer and DJ based in Berlin. Their productions overlay syncopated and polyrhythmic percussive patterns with ambient pads and textures, deep bass lines and hypnotic synths, combining influences from Caribbean and Latin American rhythms like Dancehall, Cumbia, Reggaeton, Salsa and Festejo with elements from Ambient, Techno, Kosmische Musik and UK Bass.

DJ Latinchat tracks have been released by labels like NAAFI, No Future Berlin, Basy Tropikalne, Lacuna and Love in the Endz.

01 Eisebelle - how to disappear completely
02 Lila Tirando a Violeta & Loris - Caminos del Deseo
03 Undrwght - Bifröst
04 DJ Latinchat - Keribel
05 Nick León & Merca Bae - Modor
06 Ruido con H - Oye
07 Entrañas - HECHO FUNDA
08 DJ Latinchat - Es un secreto 140 tool (unreleased)
09 Jaijiu - alfonso luna culto
10 El Irreal Veintiuno - Barrio
11 BNYI - bien espacial
12 Ruido con H - El Clásico
13 Gugol Maps - Ni de acá ni de allá (DJ Latinchat remix) (unreleased)
14 Siete Catorce - Aguachile
15 DJ Latinchat - Místico Divino (unreleased)
16 Entrañas x Selvagia - Inibiguini (unreleased)
17 Los Hijos de Lamas - Mix Hijos (DNGDNGDNG Bombocore Edit)
18 DJ Latinchat - ??? (unreleased)
19 FRECH x Kiana - AN4L CVNT
20 Nafftero - Kemabocha

Cover Art by MENSLIES



INFP 机器人 zj☻ 的星际愤怒故事

Inner Rage, an Interstellar Tale by an INFP Robot zj☻ 

06.11 2024

zj☻ 是一款深受 Electro 和 Leftfield Bass 影响的敏感型机器人。其主要目标是通过声音和视觉领域感染人们的情感和身体,让人们微笑。这段全长 122 分钟的星际故事讲述了 zj☻ 降落到一个新的星球,既害怕又兴奋。

它的设计者是同样性格内向,正在墨尔本读音乐的马来西亚华裔帅哥 Jun(中文名字就叫“俊”):“在某种程度上,这个混音也反映了我在过去一年从香港搬到墨尔本的感受。”

“我想围绕着经典和现代的电子音乐曲目展开,这些曲目自从我探索了更广泛的电子音乐领域后就一直激励着我。录音使用到的设备包括一对 Reloop RP-2000 MK2 转盘和一台 DJM-450 MK2 混音器,通过 rekordbox dvs 连接。封面照片是用 Canon AEP1 相机拍摄的,Kodak Ektachrome E100 的胶片。”

zj☻ [j•oh] is a sensitive robot heavily influenced by Electro and Leftfield Bass. Our main aim is to move people emotionally and physically through the sonic and visual fields, to make people smile. This 122-minute interstellar tale recounts zj☻'s descent onto a new planet, a journey filled with both scared and excitement.

zj☻ designed by Jun [俊] who is similarly introverted and a Chinese born Malaysian currently studying in Melbourne “In some ways, it captures how I feel as I have moved from Hong Kong to Melbourne over the last year.”

“For this mix, I wanted to base it around the classic and modern electro tracks which have inspired me since discovering the wider spectrum of electronic music. The equipment used for this mix was a pair of Reloop RP-2000 MK2 and a DJM-450 MK2 via rekordbox dvs. The cover was taken using a Canon AEP1 and the film was Kodak Ektachrome E100.”  

“嗨,我叫 Jun,最近在香港的 FindMe Records 发表了我的第一张EP《Concrete Jungle》,它是我在香港时光的回忆录。目前,我在墨尔本的 Area3000 电台主持一档名为 ‘Gravitate’ 的节目,旨在分享和探索。”

Hi, my name is Jun and I recently released my first EP ‘Concrete Jungle’ which acts as a memoir to my time in Hong Kong through FindMe Records. Currently, I help run a radio show on Area3000 in Melbourne called ‘Gravitate’ where the aim is to share and explore:

01. issu - Dissent
02. Locked Club - Dubai Girlfriend
03. JLZ - DZ7
04. Viers - Beat Control
05. Bielefeld Murder Boys - PLATTENTELLERTERRORIST
07. Rhyw - IRL
08. Contactless - Cybernetic Jerkin
09. Radioactive Man - Addict
10. RAC - Electro Fish
11. Detroits Filthiest - Ultra Violent
12. DMX Krew - Bad Sector II
13. Illektrolab - Temporal Interference
14. Dexter - Mr Blunt
15. Moogie Fox & Philo - Bouge Ton Cul
16. Pip Williams - Ashburton
17. De Sluwe Vos - Trans Magnetic Stimulation (Dexter Remix)
18. FJAAK & Elli Acula - To the Peak (Steffi Mix)
19. Client_03 - IntrospectionDecimator
20. Gamma Intel - Trust
21. Hamdi, Nikki Nair - Skanka (Nikki Nair Remix)
22. Baby T - I Wish
23. Illektrolab - Heavy Hitter
25. Teqmun - A Jerboa's Escape
26. Claro Intelecto - Tone
27. Hermeth - Wait What
28. James Shinra - Ball and Chain
29. J Wax - Uber
30. Geistech - Encantum (Johnny Aux Mix 2)
31. Assembler Code - Simulant
32. Go Nuclear - Machine Learning (Detroit's Filthiest remix)
33. Lawrence Lee - Getting Mine
34. Random XS - Give Your Body (Delta Funktionen 3AM Mix)
35. Djedjotronic - Abyssal Zone
36. Electric Rescue - We Hoped To Change It
37. Reptant - Lizard Eyes
38. Andrea Parker - The Swamp
39. K-LONE - The Word
40. Soft Boi - Fais Moi La Guerre (feat. Nastychong)

Cover Photo by Jun
