Shy People pres.
永无岛 N3V3R1AND
07.12 2024 - 2025

地球公元2024年,Shy People 推出全新派对系列 “永无岛 N3V3R1AND”,关注并呈现被音乐产业疏忽的地域文化,及其在当下社会数字化生态中的演变和新潜能。
7月12日,限时开放的首场盛夏派对将邀请埃及裔澳洲音乐人兼 DJ Moktar 主持音乐。他完美融合阿拉伯传统打击乐和新派俱乐部舞曲于一体而在近年火速窜红。白族纳西族混血儿陈阿姨将从香港飞赴,联手 Nighttrain2000、Luxixi、10000 用多元的全球节奏助燃现场。
“Past. Future. Now or never.”
In the wake of the post-pandemic era's surge in artificial intelligence and virtual technology, humanity is compelled to refocus on the fate of the global community. The rapid development of technology is having a profound impact on global interactions and human physical identities. We must rethink, explore, and adapt to the potential future world that may unfold.
In the year 2024 CE on Earth, Shy People launches a new party series titled "永无岛 N3V3R1AND," focusing on and showcasing regional cultures neglected by the music industry, and their evolution and new potentials within the current digital social ecosystem.
On July 12th, the inaugural summer party, open for a limited time, will feature Egyptian-Australian musician and DJ Moktar, who has rapidly gained popularity in recent years for his perfect blend of traditional Arabic percussion and contemporary club beats. Auntie Chen, of Bai and Naxi heritage, will fly in from Hong Kong to join forces with Nighttrain2000, Luxixi, and 10000, igniting the stage with diverse global rhythms.
Come, aiming for the wormhole, holding our breath, we look forward to transcending to the future Middle Eastern dance floor of this mysterious parallel dimension with you. Through dance, we will share our marvelous human experiences and visions of the future without language barriers.
Eora, Australia
Eora, Australia
* 永无岛是一个由在场所有人平等建造的安全空间。我们坚决反对任何针对性别、身体、族裔、种族等方面的歧视言论或行为。如果你感到个人边界被侵犯或需要帮助,请随时向工作人员和保安寻求支援。
N3V3R1AND is a safe space created through the equal efforts of everyone present. We are committed to opposing any form of discrimination based on gender, body, ethnicity, race, or any other aspect. If you feel that your personal boundaries are being violated or if you need assistance, please do not hesitate to ask staff or security for support.