「酷」在地下,TA 们为何起舞?(1/2)
What Do We Celebrate? pt.1
05.23 2023
Written/Interviewed by Öil Nature
我们有幸邀请到了活跃于音乐与俱乐部场景的5位 DJ / 音乐人 / Promoter —— 多伦多华裔 DJ 和制作人 Ciel、Shy People 主理人 Evan、Vulnerable Club 主理人 BDG、池糖 Chilldo 主理人 Huizit、与 HTTP 主理人 OFFSKII —— 一起来讨论关于音乐与俱乐部的女性与酷儿场景,以及 TA 们人生最想庆祝的事。

定居于加拿大多伦多的 Cindy Li 化名 Ciel。在她掌控下的舞池兼具轻快与纵深感,House 与 Techno 如小溪般奔腾汇聚,能量流动且连续不断。Ciel 用 “无懈可击的选曲技巧 (《FADER》评语) ” 练就一套独步舞林的轻功绝技,成为极少数登上国际音乐节舞台的华人女性。她制作的单曲碟《Hundred Flowers》更与 Aphex Twin、Objekt 等电音巨擘一并列入 Pitchfork 年度30张最佳电子音乐唱片。
Introduce yourself to our readers and share any recent music release plans?
Introduce yourself to our readers and share any recent music release plans?
我是 Ciel,制作人 / DJ。风格对我没有很强的限制,我会制作在俱乐部里播放的舞曲,也关注电台属性较强的音乐。我喜欢在通勤时收听后者。2017年我发行的《Electrical Encounters》就是这样的声音。
I'm Ciel, Producer/DJ. There are no strong restrictions on my style. I will make dance music that is played in clubs, and I also pay attention to music with strong radio attributes. I like to listen to the latter on my commute. Electrical Encounters, which I released in 2017, sounds like that.
疫情期间对我的日常生活产生了很大的挑战,但我变得有很多时间去做音乐,于是我租了一个工作室,并和朋友们发行了非常多合作项目与 remix,包括与 Dan Only 合作的组合Cloudsteppers,与 Priori 合作的组合 Loopchasers 以及与 D.Tiffany 合作的组合 Psychedelic Budz。During the epidemic, my daily life was very challenged, but I had a lot of time to do music, so I rented a studio and released a lot of collaborative projects and remixes with my friends, including Dan Only The combination Cloudsteppers in cooperation, the Loopchasers in cooperation with Priori and the Psychedelic Budz in cooperation with D.Tiffany.
关于最新的专辑发行计划,有一张是已经在我的朋友 Eris Drew 的厂牌下发行,叫做 Ecstatic Editions 的厂牌,她把我以前重要的数字发行选出来,转化成黑胶唱片。另一张是我在2021年冬天到2022年初之间写的,会与中国文化非常相关,用到了很多中国的乐器包括木鱼、快板。Regarding the latest album release plan, one has been released under the label of my friend Eris Drew, a label called Ecstatic Editions. She selected my previous important digital releases and transformed them into vinyl records. The other one was written by me between the winter of 2021 and the beginning of 2022. It will be very related to Chinese culture, using many Chinese musical instruments including Muyu and Allegro.
What are the women/non-binary scenes or parties like in Toronto? How do you see the potential or ongoing mutual support between the two?
What are the women/non-binary scenes or parties like in Toronto? How do you see the potential or ongoing mutual support between the two?
有两个比较关键的厂牌是 On Earth 和 SOAK,前者主要由女性组成,后者包括一些酷儿成员,这两个厂牌之间会有非常多相互的合作与支持。Two key labels are On Earth and SOAK. The former is mainly composed of women, and the latter includes some queer members. There will be a lot of mutual cooperation and support between these two labels.
作为一个女性,我会觉得酷儿场景会是更舒服与安全的空间,如果是在一个异性恋空间,“捡”和“约”似乎是一种常态,我对此有一种恐惧,因为我去俱乐部是希望能够听音乐与和朋友玩,被凝视,被当作动物园里的动物不是我希望的事情。我觉得这些组织会有彼此的引力,如果我们再把视野放宽,能看到多伦多场景里还有像 Just You 这样各种性别/性向成员都存在的组织,会是一个综合性的组织,对于创造一个安全的空间有所追求。As a woman, I would feel that the queer scene would be a more comfortable and safe space, if it was in a heterosexual space, "picking up" and "dating" seemed to be the norm, and I had a fear of it because I went to Clubs are about being able to listen to music and play with friends, being stared at and treated like animals in a zoo is not something I wish for. I think these organizations will have mutual gravitational force. If we broaden our horizons, we can see that there are organizations like Just You in Toronto that have members of various genders/sexual orientations. A safe space to be sought after.
Cindy always speaks out for China on social media such as twitter/ins, especially during the Pandemic. Is there any pressure to make controversial public comments as a left-wing Chinese female DJ?
Cindy always speaks out for China on social media such as twitter/ins, especially during the Pandemic. Is there any pressure to make controversial public comments as a left-wing Chinese female DJ?
在疫情期间,互联网上充满了丑陋的种族主义和排外主义,甚至你会看到圈子里的一些DJ说极度冒犯的言论。一个韩国DJ在Hör表演的时候收到了类似“吃蝙蝠”这样的评论。我无法在看到这些言论的情形下不发声。但其实这一切都不陌生,我小时候从中国搬到美国,后来再到加拿大,学校里的人会抛出一些政治上的主义在我身上贴标签。2022年的4月,我去纽约表演的时候非常害怕,因为当时有亚洲面孔被捅、在地铁站被推下去,仇恨愈演愈烈。我对于这一切亚裔的妖魔化、非人化感到很痛苦,事实上我有一张专辑呈现着我的这部分情绪。During the epidemic, the Internet is full of ugly racism and xenophobia, and you will even see some DJs in the circle saying extremely offensive remarks. A Korean DJ received comments like "eat a bat" while performing at Hör. I can't be silent when I see these remarks. But in fact, all of this is familiar. When I moved from China to the United States when I was a child, and then to Canada, people in school would throw out some political doctrines to label me. In April 2022, I was very scared when I went to perform in New York, because at that time, Asian faces were stabbed and pushed off the subway station, and the hatred intensified. I'm miserable with all this demonization and dehumanization of Asians, and I actually have an album that expresses that part of me.
作为华裔音乐人,我觉得国际舞台上华人面孔太少了,我们有着这么大的人口,却只有三三两两能够被大家所熟知,这与我们刚刚聊的对中国人的偏见与误解高度相关。这件事对我来说也很挣扎,同时我也对此积极发声,但我需要平衡我的精力以防止过度内耗。As a Chinese musician, I feel that there are too few Chinese faces on the international stage. We have such a large population, but only in twos and threes can be known to everyone. This is highly related to the prejudice and misunderstanding of the Chinese people we just talked about. It's been a struggle for me as well, and I'm vocal about it, but I need to balance my energies to prevent excessive internal friction.
你对中国派对场景有什么观察?这次返华有何打算与期待?How do you view club/music scenes in China in recent years after last time you’ve been here? Do you have any plans or expectations for your return this time?
上次回国和这次比较不一样,当时会和探望家人有关,我在武汉呆了一阵子,我的爸爸住在这里,也去了西安,做了很多旅游相关的事情。这次回国我没有告诉我的父母,因为我有点想仔细了解一下上海,或许是一些唱片店,或许看看上海场景的制作人在做什么样的音乐?还有一个关键的点是,四年前回国我似乎还没有完全接纳音乐人这个身份,我当时觉得自己是一个偶尔做做音乐的DJ,现在我觉得自己是音乐人,偶尔DJ一下支付账单,这是心境上一个非常大的转变。The last time I returned to China was different from this time. At that time, it was related to visiting my family. I stayed in Wuhan for a while, and my father lived here. He also went to Xi’an and did a lot of travel-related things. I didn’t tell my parents when I returned to China this time, because I kind of want to know more about Shanghai, maybe some record stores, maybe see what kind of music the Shanghai scene producers are making? Another key point is that when I returned to China four years ago, I didn’t seem to fully accept the identity of a musician. At that time, I thought I was a DJ who occasionally made music. Now I think I am a musician, and occasionally DJ pays the bills. This is a very big change of mind.
作为一名女性 DJ / 制作人,音乐之外你觉得有什么事值得庆祝的?
As a female DJ/producer, besides music, what do you think is worth celebrating?
首先是家庭,然后是伴侣,我们已经在一起快14年了,还有派对,电影,一个是我的工作,一个是我的灵感来源。First the family, then the partner, we've been together for almost 14 years, the parties, the movies, one is my work and one is my inspiration.