日本音乐名刊《MUSIC MAGAZINE》12月刊上的《Xia Ye》乐评
Xia Ye Reviewed on Japanese MUSIC MAGAZINE, Dec. Issue 2022
12.20 2022
Original written by 吉本秀純 / Hidesumi Yoshimoto
Chinese Translation by 史蒂文
Chinese Translation by 史蒂文

这是来自武汉的地下音乐场景活动,发表过两张专辑的电子音乐后起之秀,在北京的新兴厂牌发表的野心之作。其音乐上经过了近年的 Vaporwave 和 Ambient 的洗礼,再融入中式旋律,基本上和 Howie Lee 等(中国)音乐人走的相通的路线,但 80 年代风格合成器和鼓机的运用则极具新意。受到来自 90 年代中国摇滚乐影响的电吉他,以及 Fusion 的哀愁萨克斯片段,赋予了斑斓色彩般的声音,且呈现出黑匣子般的趣味。新冠疫情期间,他浸淫于故乡的山川自然,重新审视自己与周遭世界的关系,确实增加了音乐上的奔放与自由度,达到了可以称为“异族道教情调”此般冲击的境界。

An up-and-coming electronic musician who has been active in Wuhan's underground music scene and has already produced two albums, released an ambitious work from a new label in Beijing. Passing through the recent vaporwave and ambient, and incorporating Chinese melodies, the sound is basically on the same route as Howie Lee and others, but the synths and drum machines with 80's sounds that also make you feel raw. In addition, the colorful sound that makes full use of the electric guitar that gives a glimpse of the backbone that was greatly influenced by Chinese psychedelic rock in the 90s, and the melancholy fusion-like saxophone fragment can be explained by some followers. It is full of ephemeral black box-like fun. While visiting the nature-rich hills of his hometown in the midst of the corona crisis, he reconsidered himself and the world around him as he produced the work, which certainly increased the degree of freedom and uninhibitedness in terms of music, and created "Taoist Exotronica". It has reached the point where it emits an impact that should be called. (written by Hidesumi Yoshimoto)