来自英国电音杂志《Electronic Sound》新刊的乐评一则
Xia Ye Review on Electronic Sound Latest Issue
09.19 2022

关于 Night Swimmer 新专辑的好消息不断。在数码时代之下异军突起的英国纸质电音杂志《Electronic sound》在最新的第93期推荐了我们的《Xia Ye》!翻译如下:
Night Swimmer(何登科 Ethan)是来自湖北武汉的电子音乐制作人,他的新专辑《Xia Ye》启发于一次家乡山郊之行。 然而,这张专辑的创作正值新冠疫情爆发的初期,不可避免地将它的音乐笼罩在一层巨大的焦虑之中,犹如异形态的摇滚,但又同时不断在其中唤醒对自然的神往。
一如 “飞来音” 在潺潺流水之声之上挑拨各类科幻音效,或者像「脑海」里电子合成的哨声与异世界灵动的合成鸟啾齐鸣,大部分曲目都没有滑入纯环境音乐的世界之中,反而借助情绪浓厚的传统中国笛声或悠远的铃声元素,中和了电子声音中的不安分与邪性。
其他曲子,例如 “杀时间” 和 “送虚空” 会让人一开始觉得有点反乌托邦,但带有闪光质感的制作与华丽的音景相互对应,每次聆听时都会展现出微妙而引人入胜的细节。
Original Article:
Night Swimmer is Chinese producer "Ethan" He Dengke, and 'Xia Ye' was inspired by a journey in the mountains near his Wuhan home. However, the album was produced just as the emerging Covid virus began to break out into a full pandemic, tempering those evocations of nature with a colossal anxiety that warps each track here like metamorphic rock.
'Silver Flying' takes the sound of running water, agitating and boiling it beneath sci-fi sonics, while 'Nature In Mind' coaxes whistling synths into patterns which resemble eerie, unnatural bird calls. But rather than descending into a kind of environmental doom, elements of traditional Chinese music - emotive flutes, reverberant chimes - neutralise the uneasy electronics into something less sinister.
While pieces such as 'Killing Time' and 'The Unravelling' initially feel a little dystopian, the glistening production contrasts beautifully against the florid sonic landscape, revealing subtle and engaging details each time you listen. (ST)
Night Swimmer is Chinese producer "Ethan" He Dengke, and 'Xia Ye' was inspired by a journey in the mountains near his Wuhan home. However, the album was produced just as the emerging Covid virus began to break out into a full pandemic, tempering those evocations of nature with a colossal anxiety that warps each track here like metamorphic rock.
'Silver Flying' takes the sound of running water, agitating and boiling it beneath sci-fi sonics, while 'Nature In Mind' coaxes whistling synths into patterns which resemble eerie, unnatural bird calls. But rather than descending into a kind of environmental doom, elements of traditional Chinese music - emotive flutes, reverberant chimes - neutralise the uneasy electronics into something less sinister.
While pieces such as 'Killing Time' and 'The Unravelling' initially feel a little dystopian, the glistening production contrasts beautifully against the florid sonic landscape, revealing subtle and engaging details each time you listen. (ST)